There is a config-file called autosuspend.conf:
# A generic check which queries a configured URL and expects the reply to contain$
# The returned XML document is checked against a configured XPath expression and
# in case the expression matches, the system is assumed to be active.
class = XPath
enabled = true
url =
# xpath = /currentload/subscriptions[number(.) > 1] | /currentload/recordings/recording/start | /currentload/re>
xpath = /currentload/recordings/recording/status | /currentload/recordings/recording/start | /currentload/recor>
username = kodi
password = kodi
# Comparable to XPath, but expects that the returned results represent the
# wake up time as a delta to the current time in a configurable unit.
enabled = true
url =
xpath = //recording/next/text()
# xpath = /currentload/recordings/recording/next/text()
# xpath = //recording/next/text()
# xpath = /currentload/recordings/recording/text()
# or xpath = /recording/next/text() ????
username = kodi
password = kodi