hello, I installed the tvheadend server 1 month ago using iptv network as the source, then at home I have a DVB T2 stb device that can be connected to the local network, after that can I connect the DVB T2 device with my tvheadend server. and how to do it because I have searched from several sources but did not find the answer.

    12 days later

    DeltaMikeCharlie sorry I just replied, I have found a way, it's just that I still have a problem, can I use the dbv t2 receiver STB to become a tv adapter on tvheadend, because when I try to connect with Tvheadend it doesn't read the tv adapter.

      dewa can I use the dbv t2 receiver STB to become a tv adapter on tvheadend

      Generally no.

      What is the exact make and model of the STB. Perhaps it has some feature that TVH cn use.

      dewa it's very difficult to find a dvb t2 usb

      Have a look online, there should be a lot to choose from.

      • dewa replied to this.

        A google search for dvbt2 usb site:.id shows a lot of hits?

        • dewa replied to this.

          DeltaMikeCharlie Thank you for your advice and direction sir, finally I bought a dvbt2 usb astrometa and after following the steps in the forum, but the tv adapter section does not appear, is there a solution? i used tvheadend running in docker

          I have also tried from chatgpt too

            DaveH thanks for the advice I have found usb stick dvbt2 astrometa

            dewa i used tvheadend running in docker

            I know nothing about Docker, sorry. Do you need to configure Docker to pass system USB devices into a container?

            In your host OS, have you tried lsusb to see if the USB tuner is recognised?

            • dewa replied to this.

              DeltaMikeCharlie thank you very much sir, and now there is a new problem, I followed the tutorial at this link but I did not find a single channel and there was an error statement
              2024-10-16 09:52:43.829 mpegts: 650MHz in asrometa - tuning on Sony CXD2837ER DVB-T/T2/C demodulator #0 : DVB-T #1
              2024-10-16 09:52:43.830 subscription: 0009: “scan” subscribing to mux ‘650MHz’, weight: 6, adapter: “Sony CXD2837ER DVB-T/T2/C demodulator #0 : DVB-T #1”, network: ‘asrometa’, service: “Raw PID Subscription”
              2024-10-16 09:52:47.863 linuxdvb: Unhandled ERROR_BLOCK_COUNT scale: 0
              2024-10-16 09:52:48.829 mpegts: 650MHz in asrometa - scan no data, failed
              2024-10-16 09:52:48.829 subscription: 0009: “scan” unsubscribing

                dewa Forgive me if I ask too many questions and trouble you sir.

                No need to apologise, that is what the forum is for.

                dewa Unhandled ERROR_BLOCK_COUNT

                I'm sorry, I'm not sure what this means.

                Have you looked in dmesg for an error message when the system starts. Some USB devices need a firmware file to be loaded to operate correctly.

                • dewa replied to this.

                  DeltaMikeCharlie hello Mr. Mike, let me ask again hehe, I have a problem with the mux, where there are 8 channels in the services section but when you want to map all services, it gets an ignored message.

                  Do you have any services listed in Configuration -> DVB Inputs -> Services?

                  How does this compare to the channels listed in Configuration -> Channel / EPG -> Channels?

                  You can manually create a channel and the manually select the service that you want.

                  • dewa replied to this.

                    DeltaMikeCharlie hi Mr. Mike thanks for helping, but when I look at the channel menu there is nothing, everything is empty

                    is something wrong

                    What does your Configuration -> DVB Inputs -> Muxes look like?

                    Sometimes the mux definitions are out of date and the parameters are slightly incorrect. Where are you located and have you confirmed that the mux definitions for that location are correct?

                    • dewa replied to this.

                      DeltaMikeCharlie yes, it is correct in my opinion, earlier I tried directly using the tv and it worked for me, then I tried again in changing the direction of the antenna, then when I followed Mr. Mike's directions I got some that were on the channel and I added them manually but when I tried using Kodi as a media player there were several notifications on the kodi like “Tvheadend HTSP Client No free adapter available”

                      I live in Indonesia in Jakarta Province and in the city of South Jakarta.

                        dewa “Tvheadend HTSP Client No free adapter available”

                        This is a different error. Browse to the WebUI while Kodi is trying to connect and see how many adapters are free.

                        You will also be limited by the number of tuners that your USB adapter provides.

                        • dewa replied to this.

                          DeltaMikeCharlie Did I buy the wrong usb tv turner? I'm using an astrometa usb tv turner, and I don't understand the point of seeing a free adapter.

                            then I tried to play on laptop media still couldn't