I have an HDHomerun Quattro CONNECT (HDHR5 firmware) in the UK, and I've installed tvheadend using the Home Assistant addon
2025-03-06 12:47:05.297 [ NOTICE] START: HTS Tvheadend version 4.3-2375~g653bd0400-dirty started, running as PID:180 UID:0 GID:0, CWD:/run/s6-rc:s6-rc-init:GnkJjI/servicedirs/tvheadend CNF:/config/tvheadend
2025-03-06 12:47:05.297 [ INFO] tvhdhomerun: Found HDHomerun device 1251fbef with 4 tuners
So, I have 4 tuners available via the HDHomerun.
During the setup wizard I'm offered 6 networks to setup, 4 DVB-T networks and two IPTV networks. Should I try to setup all 6, or ignore some of them? For simplicity (and my lack of understanding) I've left the IPTV networks unconfigured, but I'd like to know how to choose between the two types, or whether they might all be useful.