Relatively new to tvheadend but I have got a bunch of it working, however, I'm having some trouble with reliable DVR.
It will sometimes work flawlessly and other times, presumably due to a transient error somewhere I'll only get partial recordings.
My latest issue is that it recorded the first half of a game, and then stopped. Looking at the logs, I can see an error stating it wasn't able to write the file, which is weird as it did so completely fine up till that point.
I have tvh running as a container and then have mounted via SMB the recordings directory from my NAS. The storage on my NAS is mounted as a collection via mergerfs (seems potentially relevant).
I think the next thing I want to try is to not record directly to my NAS, but then I have significantly more limited space, and I would like it to end up on my NAS. I could do a post record script to move it, but then I'll lose tvh being able to apply retention over my recordings.
Are there any gotchas around my similar setups that I should check off before going down paths that will limit my options?