I would like to change the folder that tvheadend uses to store recordings to a different local drive but I am getting a permissions error. Apologies ahead of time for what is essentially a newbe linux, question. I think I am setting the permissions to the drive correctly but the hts user still does not have access to it. Maybe because of restrictions applied to the account because it is a system account and not a standard user account? This I what I have done:
Mount data drive, create sub-folder for tvheadend recordings.
Set permissions to sub-folder to 777.
Set owner and owner group to folder to hts

when I try to browse to that directory I get a permissions denied error. I also get a permissions denied error when I update tvheadend. Not surprising considering I can’t access that directory through terminal.

Tvheadend Version 4.3-2366
OS: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS