Hi. I have a xmltv EPG and I imported that to tvheadend xmltv socket but looks like tvheadend modifies xmltv times around 30 minutes fast. I can't understand why tvheadend does that.
For example looks at this entry in my xmltv:
<programme start="20240727150112 +0330" stop="20240727155357 +0330" channel="nasim">
<title lang="fa">از سرگذشت 2</title>
<desc lang="fa">شبکه نسیم شبکه نشاط و سرگرمی ، تارنما، www.tvnasim.ir ، رایانامه tvnasim@irib.ir ، تلفن 27862100 ، صندوق پستی 1367-19395 ، پیامک 300003000</desc>
but in tvheadend the time for this program starts at "7/27/2024 3:30:42 PM". It's really confusing. I tested it with both EPG offset UTC and local (server) time and I'm sure the clock of my system is correct.
My timezone is "Tehran +03:30" and we recently my country doesn't use summer time-saving time anymore.
My device is Raspberry Pi 4B and I compiled tvheadend from https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/tvheadend with this config:
Configure arguments:
--prefix=/usr --python=python3 --disable-ffmpeg_static --disable-libx264_static --disable-libx265_static --disable-libvpx_static --disable-libtheora_static --disable-libvorbis_static --disable-libfdkaac_static --disable-libav
My full xmltv:
Tvheadend EPG table:

Best Regards