I am using TVH to get some channels from spanish television using streamlink following this guide: https://cgomesu.com/blog/Tvhlink/
My .m3u has this type of content
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="Antena3.TV" tvg-logo="https://graph.facebook.com/antena3/picture?width=200&height=200" tvg-name="Antena 3",Antena 3
pipe:///usr/bin/env streamlink --stdout --default-stream best --url https://www.atresplayer.com/directos/antena3/
#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="Cuatro.TV" tvg-logo="https://graph.facebook.com/cuatro/picture?width=200&height=200" tvg-name="Cuatro",Cuatro
pipe:///usr/bin/env streamlink --stdout --default-stream best --url https://www.mitele.es/directo/cuatro
However, when I get the .m3u generate by TVH, I get this
#EXTINF:-1 logo="https://graph.facebook.com/antena3/picture?width=200&height=200" tvg-id="659b93ecbc4eab25cff809e2084f7949" tvg-chno="101",Antena 3
#EXTINF:-1 logo="https://graph.facebook.com/cuatro/picture?width=200&height=200" tvg-id="f5f1824a330ebd92b69554ec2b3065b6" tvg-chno="102",Cuatro
The tvg-logo
becomes logo
and the tvg-id
changes its content, from Antena3.TV
to 659b93ecbc4eab25cff809e2084f7949
. The tvg-name
which exists in the provided .m3u dissappears from the one generate by TVH.
This is an issue when I import the generated .m3u into jellyfin or kodi, as I am missing the logos and the EPG info.
Is there anyway to preserve the original tags?