I upgraded Ubuntu to 22.04 and Tvheadend to 4.3-2317 and a lot of things broke because the new version runs from the /var/lib/tvheadend directory rather than the /home/hts... directory. One big one was that for some reason it could no longer access my external HD (permissions error) and I had all my unwatched recordings shown there. So Tvheadend decided to move all those recordings to the "Removed Recordings" tab. I moved the recordings to a place where Tvheadend can access them, but now I just want to move all those "removed" recordings (at least the ones that still exist) back to the Finished Recordings and also change the directory path to reflect that they are now in a directory that Tvheadend can access without getting a permissions error. Is there any utility that will do this, or does anyone know how to create entries under Finished Recordings without actually recording something new?
If there is no existing utility, does anyone know how such entries are stored in Tvheadend and what type of database they are stored in? I'm just wondering if (asuming no better method exists) a standard database editor could be used.
As a secondary question, does anyone know why Tvheadend cannot seem to see any file that's not in its (new) directory path EVEN IF the file is world readable? I don't know if this is a Ubuntu issue or a Tvheadend issue but it seems like there is a nearly impermeable barrier between /var/lib/tvheadend and (for example) anything in the user home directory. You can use sudo to move files between them, but if you make (for example) an xml file containing listing data world readable (and even if you set it to belong to the hts user), Tvheadend just can't see it untll you move it to /var/lib/tvheadend/.xmltv (even if you modify the grabber to look for it elsewhere).