Hi, I keep getting high memory / cpu after watching my over the air set up tvheadend on a:
07:00.0 Multimedia controller: Philips Semiconductors SAA7164 (rev 81)
I use kodi + hts to stream.
I also see this in the log after it goes to 100% :
Apr 08 22:23:45 tux tvheadend[1499]: mpegts: too much queued input data (over 50MB), discarding new
Apr 08 22:23:55 tux tvheadend[1499]: mpegts: too much queued input data (over 50MB), discarding new
Apr 08 22:24:05 tux tvheadend[1499]: mpegts: too much queued input data (over 50MB), discarding new
Apr 08 22:24:09 tux systemd[1]: Stopping Tvheadend TV streaming server...
Apr 08 22:25:07 tux tvheadend[1499]: tsfix: transport stream AC3, DTS discontinuity. DTS = -9223372036854775808, last = 4576298304
Apr 08 22:25:14 tux tvheadend[1499]: tsfix: transport stream AC3, DTS discontinuity. DTS = -9223372036854775808, last = 4576297792
Apr 08 22:25:20 tux tvheadend[1499]: tsfix: transport stream AC3, DTS discontinuity. DTS = -9223372036854775808, last = 4576297280
Apr 08 22:25:40 tux systemd[1]: tvheadend.service: A process of this unit has been killed by the OOM killer.
Apr 08 22:25:40 tux systemd[1]: tvheadend.service: Killing process 1499 (.tvheadend-wrap) with signal SIGKILL.
Apr 08 22:25:40 tux systemd[1]: tvheadend.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=9/KILL
Apr 08 22:25:40 tux systemd[1]: tvheadend.service: Failed with result 'oom-kill'.
Apr 08 22:25:40 tux systemd[1]: Stopped Tvheadend TV streaming server.
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"server_name": "Tvheadend",
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