From what I have read, discussion of unique IDs has been ongoing within the XMLTV project since 2003. As yet, there appears to be nothing representing a Unique_ID in the DTD.
I propose 3 additions using XPath-like syntax to identify the XML nodes/attributes:
1) Unique programme identifier. (Similar to the DVB ‘event_id’ field, but stored in a new variable length string field). TVH will still create it’s own ID, however, when processing updates from XMLTV, this string will be used to match an event, thereafter, the TVH ID will be used internally.
2) Series Identifier. (Saved in the same field as the DVB series CRID). If this field is found, the internal function creating a series ID will be bypassed.
3) Episode Identifier. (Saved in the same field as the DVB episode CRID) . If this field is found, the internal function creating an episode ID will be bypassed.
These will be added as 3 fields in the ‘parameters’ of the XMLTV grabber modules.
I propose 1 change to genre processing.
1) If the <category> text node begins with the string ‘0x’, treat the category text as the ETSI category hex value and bypass matching the category text to the category names known to TVH.
@Flole - Will you reject a PR with enhancements to the XMLTV grabbers solely on the basis of incompatibility with the XMLTV ‘standard’?