To make a full multiplex MPEG-TS dump, all you should need to do is go into the TVHeadend web admin, and go to Configuration > DVB Inputs > Muxes
Then, copy the URL from the play button for the 482MHz ZDF mux. It'll look something like -
Remove the question mark and everything afterwards, and also /play/ticket, then in your Terminal in Linux or Powershell in Windows, run the following, with the example URL from above modified -
wget -O zdf_dvbt2_482mhz.ts
If you're using a username/password, you would maybe need to do -
wget --user user --password pass -O zdf_dvbt2_482mhz.ts
This will start dumping the full multiplex to a TS file. Let this run for something like 30 seconds, then hit Ctrl+C to stop it. You should then have a file called zdf_dvbt2_482mhz.ts that contains 30 seconds of full multiplex data. You can then upload it here on the file upload option when replying.