Em Smith wrote:
> That is very strange. I've never had that problem since all Tvheadend data gets overwritten if it is modified (at least in newer versions of Tvheadend). I can't think what would cause that.
> Tvheadend stores a copy of its epg inside the tvheadend directory. I'm not sure where it is on your system, but you may be able to find it with this:
> [...]
> You'd have to shutdown tvheadend completely (not sure how you'd do that, maybe "service tvheadend stop" or "systemctl stop tvheadend" and then use "start" later to restart it), then remove the file ("rm epgdb.v2") or preferably move it out the way with "mv epgdb.v2 epgdb.v2.old". Then restart tvheadend and re-run the grabber.
> For the grabber there is the "--force-download" option to force it to remove its data. It should only be used once otherwise it puts a strain on the SD servers, but you can add that to the "extra arguments".
> One other thing, I noticed you don't have channel icons in the information panel. If you go in to Tvheadend epg grabber (where the schedule is) and tick the "update icon" button and save and re-run grabber. Then, if that doesn't work, then you may also have to go in to the configuration->channel/epg->epg grabber channels (may be called something different on your version since things were renamed), highlight the ones with XMLTV, hit edit, then update "channel update options" to include icons, press the tick box next to it then save and re-run grabber.
It is odd - I also thought that the existing EPG would have been updated.
I shall try the extra argument, to see if that resets everything.
BTW - thank you for the channel icon advice. I never thought about doing that but it makes everything much more complete.