While we wait for this to be an actual feature I created a script that goes through your mux URLs and adds variables to them. Specifically for piping to ffmpeg to stop those pesky stalls. cit: https://tvheadend.org/d/5282-iptv-buffering-stalls-general-drop-outs-settings-that-resolved-things-for-me/50
It has a little retry logic built in and gives you a status of each mux afterwards. Hope this helps someone 🙂
# Tvheadend credentials and URL
# Network Name to target
NETWORK_NAME="MYIPTVNETWORKNAME" # Change this to match your target network
# Fetch all MUXes
MUXES=$(curl -s --digest -u "$TVH_USER:$TVH_PASS" "$TVH_URL/api/mpegts/mux/grid")
if [[ -z "$MUXES" ]]; then
echo "Error: No MUXes found in Tvheadend."
exit 1
# Process each MUX in the targeted network
echo "$MUXES" | jq -c --arg net_name "$NETWORK_NAME" '.entries[] | select(.network == $net_name)' | while read -r mux; do
# Extract MUX UUID, Name, and Current URL
MUX_UUID=$(echo "$mux" | jq -r '.uuid')
MUX_NAME=$(echo "$mux" | jq -r '.name')
CURRENT_URL=$(echo "$mux" | jq -r '.iptv_url')
# Skip if the URL is already using ffmpeg pipe
if [[ "$CURRENT_URL" == pipe* ]]; then
echo "Skipping MUX: $MUX_NAME - already using ffmpeg pipe"
# Construct the new URL with ffmpeg
NEW_URL="pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -reconnect 1 -reconnect_at_eof 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 \
-reconnect_delay_max 2000 -probesize 1000k -analyzeduration 0 -fpsprobesize 0 -fflags -nobuffer \
-err_detect ignore_err -i $CURRENT_URL -codec copy -f mpegts -tune zerolatency pipe:1"
# Form-encode the payload
# Send the update request
RESPONSE=$(curl -s --digest -u "$TVH_USER:$TVH_PASS" -X POST "$TVH_URL/api/idnode/save" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" --data-urlencode "$PAYLOAD")
# If the response is empty, warn instead of failing
if [[ "$RESPONSE" == "{}" ]]; then
echo "⚠️ Warning: No confirmation from API for MUX: $MUX_NAME, re-checking..."
sleep 2 # Wait before re-checking
# Fetch updated MUX list
UPDATED_MUXES=$(curl -s --digest -u "$TVH_USER:$TVH_PASS" "$TVH_URL/api/mpegts/mux/grid")
UPDATED_URL=$(echo "$UPDATED_MUXES" | jq -r --arg uuid "$MUX_UUID" '.entries[] | select(.uuid == $uuid) | .iptv_url')
# Verify if the update was actually applied
if [[ "$UPDATED_URL" == "$NEW_URL" ]]; then
echo "✅ Update confirmed for MUX: $MUX_NAME."
echo "❌ Failed to confirm update for MUX: $MUX_NAME."
elif echo "$RESPONSE" | grep -q '"success":true'; then
echo "✅ Updated MUX: $MUX_NAME successfully."
echo "❌ Failed to update MUX: $MUX_NAME. Response: $RESPONSE"