TVH 4.3-2375g653bd0400 x64 on Raspberry PiOS 12 Bookworm
I am finding that a lot of successful recordings get moved into DVR | Failed Recordings with a status of "Time Missed" after the recording has completed. If I delete all the entries, the Failed Recordings list becomes empty, even if I close and re-open the browser that is pointing to the localhost:9981 page - but the entries later re-appear. I think this happens when I delete a watched recording - instead of disappearing totally from the TVH website the programme entry gets moved to Failed.
I didn't see this behaviour with an older version of TVH on Raspberry PiOS 10 Buster (on the same Ras Pi hardware).
Is it a known problem? It doesn't matter, except that it makes it harder to see if there are any genuine failed recordings in among the list of successful-but-reported-as-failed recordings.
I think it may only affect recordings that were made by an Autorec with series-record, and not one-off programmes that I added directly from the EPG without series-record. I'm trying to remember that last recording I made which was not by Autorec/series record.