I have an IPTV network setup in tvheadend with a spawn stream profile /usr/bin/ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -fflags discardcorrupt -i pipe:0 -c:a libmp3lame -vcodec copy -f mpegts pipe:1. This works fine with a standard install but does not work at all with a docker container and I am not sure why. I tried docker from linuxserver and my own created container with same results.
I can run the command within the container and it works so the issue can't be ffmpeg. I see a bunch of errors in the log as follows. Anyone know what could be the problem?
[ERROR] spawn: [h264 @ 0x7f9670cf38c0] non-existing SPS 0 referenced in buffering period
[DEBUG] tbl-pass: pass-pat: -: PID 0000 CC error 1 != 4
[DEBUG] tbl-pass: pass-pmt: -: PID 1000 CC error 1 != 4