Hi Guys,
I guess, the kodi ubuntu repository will now remain "orphan" forever, nobody will ever update it again.
All people who want to keep kodi recently up to date, and don't want to build from source or move to libreELEC, will have to install the flatpack version from now on. I learned that even Debian is very conservative with Kodi Updates, Debian users usually get Kodi updates only with new Debian releases.
The drawback, for all users with TV cards is that the great addon "PVR Recording & Power Manager" does not work under a flatpack environment, since the wakeup command is written under /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/ and the /sys directory under flatpack is blacklisted. Unfortunately, the author of the addon "PVR Recording & Power Manager" does not know the flatpack environment enough to build a workaround into the app.
My idea is...is there maybe a possibility for the tvheadend team to build a timer function in tvheadend itself to set rtcwake events so that users can program shutdown after having set the timer, wakeup timer(s) and shutdown after recording via the tvheadend web interface?
This would be a great workaround for the drawback in Kodi.