So I’m a newbie to tvheadend and have recently set up my raspberry pi 4 with a DVB-T2 Hat (Sony CXD2880), portainer and the tvheadend docker image from linuxserver/tvheadend. I have an active antenna connected to the HAT.
I went through the wizard, searched for found about 60 services.
But when I go to configuration, dvb inputs, services and I tap on the play icon for a service, the new page (raspberrypiIP.local:9981/play/ticket/stream/service/e6bd0716c7835a316d9f2020e23ea48e?title=1-2-3.tv%20HD%20%2F%20MEDIA%20BROADCAST) loads forever with no video to be seen.
I would like to investigate this. The setup has already worked a couple of years ago but then I used a pi 3 and not the docker image. But I guess that should not make any difference right?
I appreciate any help! Thanks!