Hello, how are you?
(Excuse my bad English, I'm using translator)
Although I've been using TVHeadend for a while, I'm very new.
I have it installed on an Asustor NAS, through “App Central” (default app installer) and I basically use it to record.
I'll tell you about my problems:
-It often happens that when I record radio, the recordings are cut off prematurely. I use this format in the mux: pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -i URL -vn -acodec libmp3lame -flags +global_header -strict -2 -metadata service_provider=RAC105 -metadata service_name=RAC105 -f mpegts -mpegts_service_type digital_radio pipe:1
-Another problem I'm having, this one more recent, is that suddenly it's as if a channel is “blocked”. That is, a recording starts, stops, everything continues working, but it no longer continues saving the file. Then a new recording starts (previously scheduled) and does not save anything, that is, it is as if everything is fine, but the source is blocked (which is not the case, the source works fine if I play it on a PC, for example). Then the recordings appear in the “Removed recordings” tab.
I hope you can help me, thank you very much!