I have a Hauppauge WinTV-DualHD Dual Tuner because i want a dual tuner, so i can watch and record parallel.
Also im happy user long time ago a OSMC. And i have a raspberry pi4. Before buy i have read few forum post because earlier this tunner have 1-2 issues. I have added also a external powered USB hub to give enough power to the tunner.
As system im using OSMC for the tvheadend server/client.
Everything working fine like by my simple usb tunner, only one difference, i see two tunner in tvheadend settings, what is a normal, because have two tunner.
My only problem however working fine currently, i see in Kodi using tvheadend PVR client two from all added channel. Also if im make a record of a channel, i see two record.
My question there is any option in tvheadend system side display only once a channel? Or this is normal and i need hide every second channel manual in channel manager under Kodi?
thanks for any advise