I always have the following entries in the Debian log file when starting TVH:


13:26 dvr: Unable to create second default config, removing tvheadend
13:26 codec: unable to load codec profile: 'webtv-aac' tvheadend
13:26 codec: codec profile 'webtv-aac' already exists tvheadend
13:26 codec: unable to load codec profile: 'webtv-vorbis' tvheadend
13:26 codec: codec profile 'webtv-vorbis' already exists tvheadend
13:26 codec: unable to load codec profile: 'webtv-vp8' tvheadend
13:26 codec: codec profile 'webtv-vp8' already exists tvheadend
13:26 codec: unable to load codec profile: 'webtv-h264' tvheadend
13:26 codec: codec profile 'webtv-h264' already exists `

TVH works without any problems.
It looks like the codecs need to be loaded again?
Thanks for an answer

(HTS Tvheadend 4.3-2370~g28de5c092 - Debian 12-7)

  • Hello,
    my mistake.
    I still had 4 old codecs from the backup in the directory "/var/lib/tvheadend/codec/".

my mistake.
I still had 4 old codecs from the backup in the directory "/var/lib/tvheadend/codec/".