Chris G I don’t use E2 either.

What version of TVH are you using on that E2 receiver.

I noticed in your example you referenced an encrypted pay TV channel. I assume you have some form of subscription to view that channel and are not in fact using some form of card sharing server to obtain it. No doubt you are aware of the rules here in relation to any discussion on the subject of decryption and related topics.

As was pointed out to you already it would appear that your request for that particular feature would be classed as niche. I suggest you take that advice as read.


    Your request sounded like synchronising the service/provider names already present in TVH to those in the E2 file provided. Was that your intention?


    There are a lot of “problems” in sat that the widely available e2 settings fix.
    If you look through the settings, they list the sats/transponders, fix naming of channels and providers and even organise the channels into bouquets.
    Why not tap into that?

    These are common broadcasting terms and not unique to E2.

    The format those bouquets use is an e2 defined format:

    Service reference 1:0:19:379C:14B4:FBFF:820000:0:0:0 ---> A:B:C:D:E:F:G:H:I:L
    A : is a default value and it is always equal to 1
    B : this is also a default value, and it is always equal to 0
    C : service type: TV = 1, Radio = 2, TV HD = 19, TV UHD = 1f ??????
    D : service Id (hex)
    E : Trasponder Id (hex)
    F : NId, Network Id (hex)
    G : Namespace
    H : default value, always = 0
    I : default value, always = 0
    L : default value, always = 0

    Are you suggesting that TVH should be able to import an E2 configuration file of some description as part of or as an alternative to the existing setup process?


    Jonas Lang

    Yes I have a card.

    I don't know why you have to come in every sat topic and question whether the person has a sub or not.
    Why aren't you in the IPTV section calling out the 99% of users who have illegal IPTV subs?
    Or in the "DaddyLive" topic which is 100% piracy?

    If it makes you happy, here is a FTA example channel from Germany

    Comedy Central Germany
    p:MTV Networks,f:1

    The lamedb file renames it such that it doesn't get mixed up with the other 100 “Comedy Central” channels available inside Europe.

      • You would need to create one 'Network' object for each transport type (terrestrial, satellite, cable) in your import file.
      • You would need to associate each of the network objects with one or more adapters of the same transport type.
      • You would need to create a 'Mux' (transponder) entry associated with the network of the appropriate transport type. See here for the required mux parameters.
      • Once you have a 'Mux' object for each frequency/transport type, you would have to create 'Service' objects for each of the services listed in the import file. This is normally done by scanning and there does not appear to be a way to create a service via the API, so you will probably have to manually create the service object using an idnode or build a 'scan file' to use.
      • Once the services have been created, you will then need to link them to a 'Channel' object that you have also just created.
      • You will also need to create a 'Channel Tag' and 'Bouquet' object for each bouquet. If you do this before creating the channels, you can add the tag as you create the channels, otherwise, you will have to go back and update the channels once the channel tags have been created.

      Best of luck with your project.

        Chris G that’s already in process.

        New members joining purely to ask questions on how to re stream illegally obtained pay TV and when they are called out they disappear immediately.

        The E2 receiver as you well know, through unintended consequences is a notorious tool for the hacker/restream community and unfortunately TVH has gotten itself caught up in this activity as can be seen from this article where it’s referenced in a rather negative way.
        What the membership here do not want is any association with this type of activity or be named in any form of DMCA takedown notice.

        I just thought it odd you chose a premium subscription channel to highlight your issue and gave very little other detail on your setup. Of course if you’ve nothing to hide you’ve nothing to worry about. Have a good day.


        I've thought about that in the past, but creating services etc is more involved than I'd like.
        I already have a script I used to populate networks/muxes (because the scan tables suck):

        import requests
        import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
        import re
        import json
        TVH = ""
        SATS = ET.fromstring(
        POLARIZATION = {"0": "H", "1": "V", "2": "L", "3": "R"}
        FEC = {
            "0": "AUTO",
            "1": "1/2",
            "2": "2/3",
            "3": "3/4",
            "4": "5/6",
            "5": "7/8",
            "6": "8/9",
            "7": "3/5",
            "8": "4/5",
            "9": "9/10",
            "15": "NONE",
        SYSTEM = {"0": "DVB-S", "1": "DVB-S2"}
        MODULATION = {
            "0": "AUTO",
            "1": "QPSK",
            "2": "PSK/8",
            "3": "QAM/16",
            "4": "16APSK",
            "5": "32APSK",
        PLS_MODE = {"0": "ROOT", "1": "GOLD", "2": "COMBO"}
        def get_networks():
            return + "mpegts/network/grid", data={"limit": 999999999}).json()[
        def get_muxes():
            return + "mpegts/mux/grid", data={"limit": 999999999}).json()[
        def get_network_id_by_name(networks, name):
            for n in networks:
                if n["networkname"] == name:
                    return n["uuid"]
        def create_network(name):
            data = {
                "class": "dvb_network_dvbs",
                "conf": json.dumps(
                        "enabled": True,
                        "networkname": name,
                        "bouquet": False,
                        "scanfile": "",
                        "orbital_pos": name,
                        "pnetworkname": "",
                        "nid": 0,
                        "autodiscovery": 2,
                        "ignore_chnum": False,
                        "satip_source": 0,
                        "charset": "",
                        "skipinitscan": True,
                        "idlescan": False,
                        "sid_chnum": False,
                        "localtime": 0,
            response = + "mpegts/network/create", data=data)
            return response.json()["uuid"]
        def is_network_enabled(networks, uuid):
            for n in networks:
                if n["uuid"] == uuid:
                    if n["enabled"]:
                        return True
                        return False
            # not found means its new and is enabled by default
            return True
        def get_existing_mux_uuid(muxes, network_id, frequency, polarization):
            for mux in muxes:
                if (
                    "delsys" in mux
                    and mux["delsys"] == "DVB-S"
                    or "delsys" in mux
                    and mux["delsys"] == "DVB-S2"
                    if (
                        mux["network_uuid"] == network_id
                        and int(mux["frequency"]) == int(frequency)
                        and mux["polarisation"] == polarization
                        return mux["uuid"]
        def update_mux(uuid, tp):
            frequency = tp.attrib["frequency"]
            symbol_rate = tp.attrib["symbol_rate"]
            polarization = POLARIZATION[tp.attrib["polarization"]]
            fec_inner = FEC[tp.attrib["fec_inner"]]
            system = SYSTEM[tp.attrib["system"]]
            modulation = MODULATION[tp.attrib["modulation"]]
                is_id = tp.attrib["is_id"]
                is_id = -1
                pls_mode = PLS_MODE[tp.attrib["pls_mode"]]
                pls_mode = "ROOT"
                pls_code = tp.attrib["pls_code"]
                pls_code = 1
            data = {
                "node": json.dumps(
                        "delsys": system,
                        "frequency": frequency,
                        "symbolrate": symbol_rate,
                        "polarisation": polarization,
                        "modulation": modulation,
                        "fec": fec_inner,
                        "stream_id": is_id,
                        "pls_mode": pls_mode,
                        "pls_code": pls_code,
                        "uuid": uuid,
   + "idnode/save", data=data)
        def create_mux(network_id, tp):
            frequency = tp.attrib["frequency"]
            symbol_rate = tp.attrib["symbol_rate"]
            polarization = POLARIZATION[tp.attrib["polarization"]]
            fec_inner = FEC[tp.attrib["fec_inner"]]
            system = SYSTEM[tp.attrib["system"]]
            modulation = MODULATION[tp.attrib["modulation"]]
                is_id = tp.attrib["is_id"]
                is_id = -1
                pls_mode = PLS_MODE[tp.attrib["pls_mode"]]
                pls_mode = "ROOT"
                pls_code = tp.attrib["pls_code"]
                pls_code = 1
            data = {
                "uuid": network_id,
                "conf": json.dumps(
                        "enabled": 1,
                        "epg": 1,
                        "epg_module_id": "",
                        "delsys": system,
                        "frequency": frequency,
                        "symbolrate": symbol_rate,
                        "polarisation": polarization,
                        "modulation": modulation,
                        "fec": fec_inner,
                        "scan_state": 0,
                        "charset": "",
                        "rolloff": "AUTO",
                        "pilot": "AUTO",
                        "dvb_satip_dvbc_freq": 0,
                        "dvb_satip_dvbt_freq": 0,
                        "tsid_zero": False,
                        "pmt_06_ac3": 0,
                        "eit_tsid_nocheck": False,
                        "sid_filter": 0,
                        "stream_id": is_id,
                        "pls_mode": pls_mode,
                        "pls_code": pls_code,
            response =
                TVH + "mpegts/network/mux_create",
            return response.json()["uuid"]
        networks = get_networks()
        muxes = get_muxes()
        for sat in SATS.findall("sat"):
            # get sat name
            sat_name ="\d+\.\d+[e|E|w|W]", sat.attrib["name"])[0]
            if len(sat_name.split(".")[0]) < 2:
                sat_name = "0" + sat_name
            # create network if missing
            network_id = get_network_id_by_name(networks, sat_name)
            if not network_id:
                network_id = create_network(sat_name)
            # loop transponders
            if is_network_enabled(networks, network_id):
                for tp in sat.findall("transponder"):
                    frequency = tp.attrib["frequency"]
                    polarization = POLARIZATION[tp.attrib["polarization"]]
                    existing_mux_uuid = get_existing_mux_uuid(
                        muxes, network_id, frequency, polarization
                    if existing_mux_uuid:
                        create_mux(network_id, tp)

        I'm sure it isn't perfect, but it worked well enough to get me started.

        The reason I asked for this to be added as a feature is because the way I imagined it working was services having additional fields for name and provider overrides. If an override is set and if the service is mapped to a channel, the override names are used.

        If I was to attempt just the channel naming part myself, how could I achieve it?
        When should the script run?
        Is there something I can use to trigger it?
        How do I find the channels by namespace/sid/whatever the other numbers are in the lamedb?
        There must be some wiggle room when deciding if an orbital position is correct, because some people might refer to a satellite as 0.8 or 1, for example.
        I'm assuming renaming the channels and not the services is the best option because otherwise my script will be fighting TVH whenever a scan is done.


          Chris G If I was to attempt just the channel naming part myself, how could I achieve it?

          For just a rename, you can try this. If you need to do more, you could try this.

          Chris G Is there something I can use to trigger it?

          Maybe cron or manually. Have a cron job download the E2 file periodically and look for changes. If changes are detected, proceed to updating TVH.

          Chris G How do I find the channels by namespace/sid/whatever the other numbers are in the lamedb?

          You need to follow the chain of UUIDs between channels -> services -> muxes -> networks -> adapters.

          Chris G I'm assuming renaming the channels and not the services is the best option

          For now, it could be the only option via the API. You could always stop TVH and edit the JSON config files manually before restarting TVH. I would see this as a last resort though. It would be easy to brick your config that way.


            I made a start on this today, but I can't figure out how to create the correct hex values.

            From these values:
            10606 19.2E 8100 156 25 (can't figure out where the 6 comes from)
            How do I get this: 296e:00c00000:045a:0001:25:6

            I'm using python and I know about the hex() option, but there seems to be some inconsistent padding happening?

            10606 = 0x296e
            19.2E = 0xc0
            8100 = 0x45a
            0001= 0x1

            Can anyone help?

              Sorry, I think I made a mistake.
              Here's what I get, suing the API:



              From this data I need to get 296e:00c00000:045a:0001:25:6

              This is what I have right now:

              import requests
              TVH = ""
              channels = requests.get(TVH + "channel/grid?limit=999999999").json()
              services = requests.get(TVH + "mpegts/service/grid?limit=999999999").json()
              muxes = requests.get(TVH + "mpegts/mux/grid?limit=999999999").json()
              networks = requests.get(TVH + "mpegts/network/grid?limit=999999999").json()
              def get_service_by_uuid(uuid):
                  for service in services["entries"]:
                      if service["uuid"] == uuid:
                          return service
              def get_mux_by_uuid(uuid):
                  for mux in muxes["entries"]:
                      if mux["uuid"] == uuid:
                          return mux
              def get_network_by_uuid(uuid):
                  for network in networks["entries"]:
                      if network["uuid"] == uuid:
                          return network
              def is_network_dvbs(uuid):
                  for network in networks["entries"]:
                      if network["uuid"] == uuid:
                          if network.get("orbital_pos"):
                              return True
              for channel in channels["entries"]:
                  for s in channel["services"]:
                      service = (get_service_by_uuid(s))
                      if service:
                          mux = get_mux_by_uuid(service["multiplex_uuid"])
                          network = get_network_by_uuid(mux["network_uuid"])
                          if is_network_dvbs(network["uuid"]):
                              sid = hex(service["sid"])#[2:]
                              orbit = network["orbital_pos"]
                              if "E" in orbit:
                                  pos = ""
                                  pos = "-"
                              orbitpos = pos + orbit[:-1]
                              namespace = hex(int(float(orbitpos) * 10))#.replace("x","0") + "0000"
                              tsid = hex(mux["tsid"])#[2:]
                              onid = hex(mux["onid"])#[2:]
                              service_type = str(service["dvb_servicetype"])
                              ref = sid + ":" + namespace + ":" + tsid + ":" + onid + ":" + service_type

              Which gives 0x296e:0xc0:0x45a:0x1:25

              Chris G (can't figure out where the 6 comes from)


              You seem to have done a wonderful job so far, congratulations. It looks like you just need to sort out some hex formatting issues and you're there.

              t = 1114
              tt = "{:04x}".format(t) 

              I also don't know where the '6' came from.

              I think I have figured it out.

              import requests
              TVH = ""
              channels = requests.get(TVH + "channel/grid?limit=999999999").json()
              services = requests.get(TVH + "mpegts/service/grid?limit=999999999").json()
              muxes = requests.get(TVH + "mpegts/mux/grid?limit=999999999").json()
              networks = requests.get(TVH + "mpegts/network/grid?limit=999999999").json()
              lamedb = requests.get("").text.splitlines()
              def get_service_by_uuid(uuid):
                  for service in services["entries"]:
                      if service["uuid"] == uuid:
                          return service
              def get_mux_by_uuid(uuid):
                  for mux in muxes["entries"]:
                      if mux["uuid"] == uuid:
                          return mux
              def get_network_by_uuid(uuid):
                  for network in networks["entries"]:
                      if network["uuid"] == uuid:
                          return network
              def is_network_dvbs(uuid):
                  for network in networks["entries"]:
                      if network["uuid"] == uuid:
                          if network.get("orbital_pos"):
                              return True
              for channel in channels["entries"]:
                  for s in channel["services"]:
                      service = (get_service_by_uuid(s))
                      if service:
                          mux = get_mux_by_uuid(service["multiplex_uuid"])
                          network = get_network_by_uuid(mux["network_uuid"])
                          if is_network_dvbs(network["uuid"]):
                              name = channel["name"]
                              sid = hex(service["sid"])[2:].zfill(4)
                              orbit = network["orbital_pos"]
                              if "E" in orbit:
                                  pos = ""
                                  pos = "-"
                              orbitpos = pos + orbit[:-1]
                              namespace = hex(int(float(orbitpos) * 10))[2:].zfill(4).ljust(8, '0')
                              tsid = hex(mux["tsid"])[2:].zfill(4)
                              onid = hex(mux["onid"])[2:].zfill(4)
                              service_type = str(service["dvb_servicetype"])
                              ref = sid + ":" + namespace + ":" + tsid + ":" + onid + ":" + service_type
                              for num, line in enumerate(lamedb):
                                  if ref in line:
                                      new = lamedb[num + 1]
                                      if new != name:
                                          print(name + " -> " + new)
              Antena 3 -> Antena 3 Romania
              ANIXE HD -> Anixe HD
              Cool TV -> Cool TV (HU)
              Taraf -> Taraf TV
              BBC R2 -> BBC Radio 2
              U&Drama+1 -> Drama +1 UK
              SkyDocumntrs -> Sky Documentaries
              Sky News Intl -> Sky News International
              BBC ALBA HD -> BBC Alba HD
              TGCOM24 HD -> TgCom24 HD
              WAU HD -> Wau HD
              13th Street -> 13th Street HD
              Fightklub HD -> FightKlub HD
              ANTENA -> Antena
              GREAT!action+1 -> GREAT! Action +1
              Sky Sport Tennis -> Sky Sport Tennis HD
              BBC One Sth HD -> BBC One South HD
              Babenation -> BabeNation
              VIDEOLINA -> VideoLina
              NPO2 HD -> Nederland 2 HD
              SciFi HD -> SciFi Poland HD
              STAR Movies -> STAR Movies Albania
              Sky Max -> Sky Max UK
              COLORS HD -> Colors HD
              ABC HD -> ABC News HD
              NUTA GOLD -> Nuta Gold
              CANAL+ NOW -> Canal+ Now HD
              Mediaset Italia2 HD -> Mediaset Italia 2 HD
              Islam Ch Urdu -> Islam Channel Urdu
              SkySpCricket HD -> Sky Sports Cricket HD
              BBC R5L -> BBC Radio 5 Live
              BAHRAIN TV -> Bahrain TV
              Sky Sport Top Event -> Sky Sport Top Event HD
              RADIONORBA TV -> Radionorba TV
              revelation -> Revelation TV
              5STAR+1 -> 5* +1
              Prima HD -> Prima Televize HD
              Fightbox HD -> FightBOX HD
              NDR FS NDS HD -> NDR Niedersachsen HD (19h30-20h CET)
              GREAT! romance -> GREAT! Romance
              ColorsCineplex -> Colors Cineplex
              MediaShop- Meine Einkaufswelt -> MediaShop - Meine Einkaufswelt
              FIGHTBOX -> FightBox
              France 24 -> France 24 (en Français)
              More4+1 -> More 4 +1
              TG COM24 -> Tg Com24
              RTLZWEI HD Austria -> RTL Zwei HD Austria
              SkySp Tennis HD -> Sky Sport Tennis HD
              Eurosport 2 -> Eurosport 2 UK
              NDR FS SH HD -> NDR Schleswig Holstein HD (19h30-20h CET)
              ACASA -> ACasa
              rbb Brandenburg HD -> RBB Brandenburg HD
              TVP SERIALE -> TVP Seriale
              Sky Sport Mix -> Sky Sport Mix HD
              Channel21 HD -> Channel 21 HD
              Etno -> Etno TV
              Ring HD -> Ring BG HD
              U&Yesterday+1 -> Yesterday +1
              AstroTV -> Astro TV
              TLC+1 -> TLC UK +1
              Romania TV -> Romania TV (RTV)
              NickelodeonHD -> Nickelodeon HD
              Filmbox -> FilmBox
              DMF -> Deutsches Musik Fernsehen
              CNBC -> CNBC HD
              MTV HD -> MTV HD Germany
              SkyNewsArabia -> Sky News Arabia
              HUM EUROPE -> Hum Europe
              TNTSports1 HD -> TNT Sports 1 HD
              POWER TV -> Power TV
              Moviestar HD -> MovieStar HD
              EXP histori -> Explorer histori
              sonnenklar.TV HD -> Sonnenklar.TV HD
              ITV2 -> ITV 2
              Tiny Pop -> GREAT! Real
              RTR na G -> RTE R na G
              SonLife -> SonLife Broadcasting Network
              TOPcrime HD -> TopCrime HD
              ACASA GOLD -> Acasa Gold
              BHTV -> BH TV
              Diva -> Diva Universal Romania
              HISPAN TV -> Hispan TV
              RTL Tele Letzebuerg 23.5 -> RTL T Letzebuerg/Nordliicht TV
              RTV21M -> RTV 21 M
              PRESS TV HD -> Press TV HD
              BBC Asian Net -> BBC Asian Network
              Cartoon Network -> Cartoon Network Germany
              WION HD -> Wion HD
              That's Rock -> That's 90s
              Disney Channel -> Disney Channel Romania, Bulgaria & Ukraine
              RTRadio 1 -> RTE Radio 1
              Sky Sport Austria 4 -> Sky Sport Austria 4 HD
              TELE 5 -> Tele 5 polska
              CANAL+ Sport 2 (SK) -> CANAL+ Sport 2 SK
              RTL KETTO -> RTL Ketto
              DAZN 2 -> DAZN 2 HD
              CANAL+ SPORT 3 HD -> Canal+ Sport 3 HD Polska
              CANAL+ SPORT 3 HD -> Canal+ Sport 3 HD Polska
              CANAL+ SPORT 3 HD -> Canal+ Sport 3 HD Polska
              phoenix HD -> Phoenix HD
              SS-1 HD -> SuperSport HD-1
              SkySpMainEvHD -> Sky Sports Main Events HD
              SPORT1 -> Sport 1 Germany
              SONY TV -> Sony Asia TV
              U&W HD -> W HD
              PRO ARENA -> Pro Arena
              POP -> Pop
              SkySp ActionHD -> Sky Sports Action HD
              EXP natyra -> Explorer natyra
              DW -> DW-TV (Deutsche Welle)
              5USA+1 -> 5 USA +1
              AFN|prime Pacific -> AFN Prime Pacific HD
              Giallo HD -> Giallo
              CNN HD -> CNN International HD
              PRO ARENA HD -> Pro Arena HD
              Disney Channel -> Disney Channel Benelux
              FilmBox Family -> Filmbox Family
              SAT1 -> Sat 1
              U&Dave -> Dave
              EXP shkence -> Explorer shkence
              AFN|news -> AFN News HD
              Disney XD -> Disney XD Polska
              Disney Junior -> Disney Junior Middle-East & Africa
              FilmBox Premium HD -> Filmbox Premium HD
              History HD -> History Channel HD Polska
              ColorsRishtey -> Colors Rishtey
              Film+ -> Film +
              GOLD+1 -> GOLD +1
              TV1000 -> TV 1000 Balkan
              Crime+Inv HD -> Crime & Investigation HD
              NDR FS MV HD -> NDR Mecklenburg-Vorpommern HD (19h30-20h CET)
              TV NOE -> Noe TV HD
              NET5 HD -> Net 5 HD
              sportdigital EDGE -> SportDigital Edge
              SUPER RTL A -> Super RTL Austria
              ITV1 HD -> ITV 1 Central West HD
              SHOW TURK -> Show Turk
              Vouli -> Kanali Voulis (ΒΟΥΛΗ)
              TGCOM24 HD -> TgCom24 HD
              GREAT! action -> GREAT! Action
              TELE 5 -> Tele 5
              SkySp News -> Sky Sports News HQ
              UNINETTUNO UNIVERSITY TV -> Uninettuno University TV
              BBC FIRST -> BBC First
              NG Wild HD -> NatGeo Wild HD
              TVS -> TVS - TV Silesia
              TV NOE -> Noe TV HD
              PTC PUNJABI -> PTC Punjabi
              TV5 Monde -> TV5 Monde Europe
              Discovery Channel HD -> Discovery Channel Bulgaria HD
              Cinemax -> Cinemax East Europe
              France 24 eng -> France 24 (in English)
              ITV4 HD -> ITV 4 HD
              Cartoon Net HD -> Cartoon Network HD
              Story4 -> Story 4
              MTV -> MTV One U.K.
              zdf_neo HD -> ZDF_neo HD
              27Twentyseven HD -> 27 Twentyseven HD
              Comedy Central HD -> Comedy Central Poland HD
              JOJ PLUS HD -> J@J Plus HD
              Kanal D -> Kanal D Romania
              ATOMIC TV -> Atomic TV
              E4+1 -> E4 +1
              CN+1 -> Cartoon Network +1
              GOD Channel -> GOD Europe
              Pro7 MAXX HD -> ProSieben MAXX HD
              Nick Spongebob -> Nicktoons
              ERT 2 HD -> ERT DAB
              5645 -> BabyTV
              ATV HD -> ATV HD Austria
              Nickelodeon -> Nickelodeon Dual
              BBC NEWS HD -> BBC News HD
              RiC ALT -> RiC Alt
              RTK-1 -> RTK 1 Sat (Kosovo)
              LEGEND XTRA -> Legend Xtra
              Sky Sport Bundesliga 1 -> Sky Sport Bundesliga 1 HD
              ALALAM SYRIA -> AlAlam Syria
     HD -> TV Seznam Zpravy HD
              tv.ingolstadt HD -> TV Ingolstadt HD
              RING HD -> Ring HD
              FX HD -> FX HD Polska
              Veronica/DisneyXD HD -> Disney XD HD/Veronica HD Netherlands
              Disc.Sci+1 -> Discovery Science +1
              Sky Replay -> Sky Replay HD
              RTL KETTO -> RTL Ketto
              Rai Sport HD -> Rai Sport + HD
              ITV1+1 -> ITV 1 London +1
              CANAL+ PREMIUM HD -> Canal+ Premium HD
              CANAL+ PREMIUM HD -> Canal+ Premium HD
              CANAL+ PREMIUM HD -> Canal+ Premium HD
              CANAL+ PREMIUM HD -> Canal+ Premium HD
              Beate Uhse -> Beate Uhse HD
              mþ HD -> Mü HD
              A2 CNN -> A2 CNN HD
              BBC RnGΩid -> BBC Radio nan Gaidheal
              MotorTrend HD -> MotorTrend
              G! romance+1 -> GREAT! Romance+1
              BBC One Y&L HD -> BBC One Yorkshire & Lincolnshire HD
              M2 -> Magyar TV 2
              RADIOFRECCIA HD -> Radio Freccia HD
              SERIEN+ -> Serien+
              Sky Cinema Action -> Sky Cinema Action HD
              ComedyXtra -> Comedy Central Extra
              RTL Regional NRW -> RTL Nordrhein Westfalen
              Vivid -> Vivid TV
              Channel 4 HD -> Channel 4 Midlands HD
              TNTSports4 HD -> TNT Sports 4 HD
              GREAT! movies+1 -> GREAT! Movies +1
              SWR BW HD -> Südwest Fernsehen Baden-Württemberg HD
              RTLZWEI Austria -> RTL Zwei Austria
              ADVENTURE HD -> Adventure HD
              Sky Sport 2 -> Sky Sport 2 HD
              CANAL+ 4K ULTRA HD -> Canal+ 4K Ultra HD Poland
              Nat Geo HD -> National Geographic HD UK
              SkySpF1 UHD -> Sky Sports F1 UHD
              Comedy Central -> Comedy Central Germany
              ITV4+1 -> ITV 4 +1
              GREAT! movies -> GREAT! Movies
              AAJ TAK -> Aaj Tak
              History -> History Channel Eastern Europe
              RTL HAROM -> RTL Harom
              Film4+1 -> Film4 +1
              ORF SPORT+ HD -> ORF Sport + HD
              Arirang  HD -> Arirang HD
              SAHAR AFGHANISTAN -> Sahar Afghanistan
              TV2Klub -> TV2 Klub
              SS-6 HD -> SuperSport HD-6 (Albania)
              PRO1 -> PRO 1
              SkySp F1 HD -> Sky Sports F1 HD
              SkySp Mix -> Sky Sports Mix
              BBC One NI HD -> BBC One North Ireland HD
              Madani Chnl -> Madani Channel
              SONY SAB -> SAB TV
              TalkingPictures -> Talking Pictures TV
              SAHAR BALKAN -> Sahar Balkan
              Minimax -> Minimax CZ
              Agro Tv -> Agro TV
              AXN White -> AXN White Poland
              NITRO HD -> RTL Nitro HD
              SONY TV HD -> Sony TV HD
              QVC HD -> QVC HD Germany
              ACASA HD -> ACasa HD
              RTVS SPORT HD -> RTVS Sport HD
              Film4 HD -> Film 4 HD
              TLC -> TLC Bulgaria
              Realitatea Plus -> Realitatea Plus TV
              PRO CINEMA HD -> Pro Cinema HD
              Motorvision+ -> Motorvision TV
              kabel eins HD Austria -> Kabel Eins HD Austria
              AXN SPIN HD -> AXN Spin HD
              ITV1+1 -> ITV 1 Central West +1
              Discovery -> Discovery HD
              SS-5 HD -> SuperSport HD-5 (Albania)
              RTLup -> RTLup Germany
              AXN -> AXN Bulgaria
              Nickelodeon -> Nickelodeon HU
              Sky Crime -> Sky Crime HD
              bTV HD -> bTV Bulgaria HD
              RTL GOLD -> RTL Gold
              WNESS TV HD -> Wness TV HD
              TVT -> TVT Bulgaria
              Al Jazerra -> Al Jazeera
              NUTA TV -> Nuta TV
              RUDAW HD -> Rudaw HD
              CGTN -> CGTN News
              France 24 (en Francais) -> France 24 (en Français)
              U&Yesterday HD -> Yesterday HD
              24 Horas -> Canal 24 Horas
              B1 TV -> Bucuresti 1 TV
              Sky Intro -> Sky Intro (899)
              OPEN BEYOND HD -> Open Beyond HD
              Sky Sport Austria 3 -> Sky Sport Austria 3 HD
              LALA TV -> Lala TV
              STAR HD -> Star HD
              E4 -> E4 UK
              ARY Digital -> Ary Digital
              SAT.1 HD -> Sat 1 HD
              M1 -> M1 - Magyar TV
              SAHAR KURDISH -> Sahar Kurdish
              kabel1 Doku austria -> Kabel Eins Doku Austria
              AFN|spectrum -> AFN Spectrum HD
              France 24 (In English) -> France 24 (in English)
              SZLAGIER TV -> Szlagier TV
              BBC R Scot -> BBC Radio Scotland
              GINX -> Ginx
              MEGA HD -> Mega HD
              alibi+1 -> Alibi +1
              Sky Witness+1 -> Sky Witness +1
              SkySciFiHitsHD -> Sky ScFi/Horror HD
              5STAR -> 5*
              RTL HB NDS -> RTL Bremen & Land Niedersachsen
              SKAI HD -> Skai HD
              Warner TV Film -> Warner TV Film HD
              SkySp Golf HD -> Sky Sports Golf HD
              Warner TV Serie -> Warner TV Serie HD
              NOVELAS+ -> Novelas+
              NOVELAS+ -> Novelas+
              Junior TV -> Junior Tv Albania
              OPEN BEYOND -> Open Beyond
              POP+1 -> Pop +1
              DocuBox HD -> Docu BOX HD
              ALPHA -> Alpha
              PULS 24 HD -> Puls 24 HD
              KiKA -> KIKA - Der KinderKanal
              Disney Channel -> Disney Channel Germany
              Italia1 HD -> Italia 1 HD
              AFN|prime Atlantic -> AFN Prime Atlantic HD
              GREAT! tv -> GREAT! TV
              K-TV -> K-TV Fernsehen
              XY max -> XY Max
              TVR FOLCLOR -> TVR Folclor
              TNTSports3 HD -> TNT Sports 3 HD
              24H -> 24 Horas HD
              SURYOYO SAT -> Suryoyo Sat
              JuweloTV -> Juwelo TV
              CANAL+ SPORT 4 HD -> Canal+ Sport 4 HD Polska
              CANAL+ SPORT 4 HD -> Canal+ Sport 4 HD Polska
              CANAL+ SPORT 4 HD -> Canal+ Sport 4 HD Polska
              GEO News -> Geo News International
              S4C -> S4C Digidol
              Da Vinci -> Da Vinci Learning
              TV4 HD -> TV 4 HD
              Sportklub HD -> SportKlub HD
              SkyPremiereHD -> Sky Movies Premiere HD
              ITV3 HD -> ITV 3 HD
              JewelleryMaker -> Jewellery Maker
              Disc.Turbo+1 -> Discovery Turbo +1 UK
              CGTN E -> CGTN Espaňol HD
              Al Jazeera HD -> Al Jazeera English HD
              U&DaveJaVu -> Dave Ja Vu
              bTV HD -> bTV HD Bulgaria
              Sky Sport Austria 6 -> Sky Sport Austria 6 HD
              SkySp Mix HD -> Sky Sports Mix HD
              RTSH 2 -> RTSH Shkolle
              NTD -> NTD (New Tang Dynasty TV)
              MAK TV -> Macedonia TV
              TV JOJ HD -> J@J HD
              Sky Intro -> Sky Intro (950)
              QVC STYLE HD -> QVC Style HD
              HOME TV -> Home TV
              FAST&FUN Box HD -> Fast&Fun Box HD
              Crime + Investigation -> Crime + Investigation Germany
              BBC R3 -> BBC Radio 3
              SUDAN TV -> Sudan TV
              babes&brazzers -> Babes & Brazzers
              SS-3 HD -> SuperSport HD-3
              Star Channel -> Star Channel Nederland
              Nicktoons HD -> Nick Toons Polska HD
              Sky Documentaries -> Sky Documentaries HD Germany
              Sky Krimi -> Sky Krimi HD
              CANAL+ SPORT HD -> Canal+ Sport HD Polska
              CANAL+ SPORT HD -> Canal+ Sport HD
              PULS 4 Austria -> Puls 4 Austria
              EURONEWS ITALIAN SD PAL 1.8 -> Euronews Italian
              MTV HD -> MTV HD UK
              That's Melody -> That's 80s
              5SELECT -> 5 Select
              BBC One WM HD -> BBC One West Midlands HD
              Eden+1 -> Eden +1
              Sky Sport 1 -> Sky Sport 1 HD
              Pro7 MAXX Austria -> ProSieben MAXX Austria
              AXN Black -> AXN Black Poland
              HSE Extra HD -> HSE24 Extra HD
              MS MOTOR TV -> MS Motor TV
              SkyDocmntrsHD -> Sky Documentaries HD
              TDC -> TDC - Timeless Drama Channel
              Sky Nature -> Sky Nature HD
              Nick/Comedy Central+1 -> Nickelodeon/CC+1
              LFCTV HD -> Liverpool FC TV HD
              RIK SAT HD -> RIK Sat HD
              BR Fernsehen Nord HD -> Bayerisches Fernsehen Nord HD
              STORY4 HU -> Story4
              Sky Sport F1 -> Sky Sport F1 HD
              WELT HD -> Welt HD
              SS-7 HD -> SuperSport HD-7 (Albania)
              AXN Spin -> AXN Spin Romania
              FilmBox Extra HD -> FilmBox Extra HD HU
              COLORS -> Colors
              Italian Fishing TV -> Fishing TV
              HISTORY Channel -> History Channel HD Germany
              Film Cafe -> CBS Europa HD
              CANAL+ SPORT 5 HD -> Canal+ Sport 5 HD
              CANAL+ SPORT 5 HD -> Canal+ Sport 5 HD
              CANAL+ SPORT 5 HD -> Canal+ Sport 5 HD
              meinTVshop -> MeinTVshop
              Melodie TV NEU -> Melodie TV
              HGTV Italy HD -> HGTV Italy
              TVP INFO HD -> TVP Info HD
              SkySp PL HD -> Sky Sports Premier League HD
              Nicktoons -> Nicktoons Germany
              TLC -> TLC Germany
              SkyHistory2HD -> Sky History 2 HD
              ONE HD -> One HD
              RADIO ZETA HD -> Zeta TV HD
              BBC CBeebies -> BBC CBeebies Poland
              Rete4 HD -> Rete 4 HD
              BR Fernsehen Süd HD -> Bayerisches Fernsehen Süd HD
              Sky Intro -> Sky Intro HD
              TOGGO plus -> Toggo plus
              DELUXE MUSIC -> Deluxe Music
              Rai Sport HD -> Rai Sport + HD
              IFILM ARABIC -> iFilm Arabic
              FAST&FUN Box HD -> Fast&Fun Box HD
              NickJrPAWPatrol -> Nick Jr Too
              Sky Sport Austria 2 -> Sky Sport Austria 2 HD
              ALKAWTHAR -> AlKawthar
              Eurosport 1 Deutschland -> Eurosport Germany
              BBC World -> BBC World News
              NDR FS HH HD -> NDR Hamburg HD (19h30-20h CET)
              STAR -> Star
              ESPRESO TV -> Espreso TV
              Sky Sport Bundesliga -> Sky Sport Bundesliga HD
              LEGEND -> Legend
              Golf Zone -> Golf Channel
              RT2FM -> RTE 2FM
              5ACTION -> 5 Action
              CGTN F -> CGTN Français HD
              NHK WORLD-JPN -> NHK World HD
              ATN -> ATN Bangla UK
              RTV21 -> RTV 21
              SKAI -> Skai
              SkyAnimationHD -> Sky Animation HD
              SIXX HD -> Sixx HD
              SPORT1 HD -> Sport 1 HD (Germany)
              RTL HAROM -> RTL Harom
              TV5 Europe -> TV 5 Monde Europe
              BBC Brit -> BBC Brit Poland
              AMC -> AMC Balkan
              GOLD HD -> Gold HD
              BBC World -> BBC World News
              kabel eins Doku -> Kabel Eins Doku
              TV Paprika -> Paprika TV
              GEO TV -> Geo TV
              PRO TV -> Pro TV
              Lovno Ribarski club -> Lovno Ribarski Club
              Sky Cinema Family -> Sky Cinema Family HD
              ComedyCentral -> Comedy Central UK
              MAK TV HD -> Macedonia TV HD
              Super One -> Superone
              ProSieben HD -> Prosieben HD
              Sky Cinema Premiere -> Sky Cinema Premieren HD
              6833 -> Sky Replay
              ZU TV -> Zu TV
              SkySp News HD -> Sky Sports News HD
              Animal Plnt+1 -> Animal Planet +1
              LEGEND XTRA+1 -> Legend Xtra+1
              ITV2 HD -> ITV 2 HD
              NATIONAL GEO HD -> National Geographic HD Polska
              TNTSBoxOffHD -> TNT Sports Box Office HD
              TRUE CRIME X -> True Crime X
              DAZN 1 -> DAZN 1 HD
              Oost -> TV Oost
              JORDAN TV -> Jordan TV
              Disney Junior -> Disney Junior Romania
              RIK Sat -> Rik Sat
              CN -> Cartoon Network
              Radio Italia Trend TV  HD -> Radio Italia Trend TV HD
              cielo -> Cielo HD
              20Mediaset HD -> 20 Mediaset HD
              TELE 5 HD -> Tele 5 HD
              Taraf -> Taraf TV
              OMAN TV HD -> Oman TV HD
              XY plus -> XYPlus
              SS-4 HD -> SuperSport HD-4
              POP Max -> Pop Max
              BIZNES24 HD -> TVN 24 Bizness HD
              Erdely TV -> Erdély TV
              MEGA -> Mega
              Sky Sport 4 -> Sky Sport 4 HD
              Genius exklusiv -> Genius Exklusiv TV
              rfo Regional Fernsehen Oberbayern HD -> RFO HD Fernsehen Oberbayern
              Channel 5+1 -> Channel 5 +1
              News 24 -> News 24 Albania
              Passion XXX2 -> Passion XXX 2
              UNINETTUNO UNIVERSITY TV -> Uninettuno University TV
              ComedyCent+1 -> Comedy Central +1 UK
              TDC -> Timeless Drama Channel
              Warner TV Comedy -> Warner TV Comedy HD
              JAMEJAM1 HD -> JameJam1 HD
              Nat Geo People HD -> Nat Geo People PL HD
              TRM h24 -> TRM H24
              More4 -> More 4
              alibi -> Alibi
              Sky Sport 5 -> Sky Sport 5 HD
              Sky Showcase -> Sky Showcase HD
              Disney Channel HD -> Disney Channel Polska HD
              POP Max+1 -> Pop Max +1
              Stinet -> T
              Discovery+1 -> Discovery Channel +1
              Sky HistoryHD -> Sky History HD
              N24 DOKU -> N24 Doku
              NPO3 HD -> Nederland 3 HD
              More4 HD -> More 4 HD
              BBC Lifestyle HD -> BBC Lifestyle Poland HD
              Word Network -> The Word Network
              Kabel 1 Austria -> Kabel Eins Austria
              ComedyCentHD -> Comedy Central HD UK
              Minimax -> Minimax Romania
              TV1000 -> TV 1000
              Disc.History+1 -> Discovery History +1
              HBO -> HBO Romania
              KTV -> KTV Kohavision HD
              RTL KETTO -> RTL Ketto
              Channel 5 -> Channel 5 London
              CARTOONITO -> Cartoonito
              SkySpBoxOffHD -> Sky Sports Box Office HD
              IFILM 2 -> IFilm2
              Kabel 1 Doku HD Austria -> Kabel Eins Doku Austria HD
              Viasat Nature -> Viasat Nature CEE
              Padre Pio Tv -> Tele Padre Pio
              Nick Jr. HD -> Nick Jr. UK HD
              Stopklatka -> Stopklatka TV
              Stopklatka -> 
              SPORTDIGITAL FUSSBALL HD -> SportDigital Fussball HD
              HBO 3 -> HBO 3 Romania
              U&Drama -> Drama UK
              iFILM ENGLISH -> iFilm English
              BBC R4 -> BBC Radio 4 FM
              AXN HD -> AXN HD Polska
              MAX HD -> Max HD
              Sky Sport Premier League -> Sky Sport Premier League HD
              RTLZWEI HD -> RTL Zwei HD
              Nova Sport -> Nova Sport Bulgaria
              ITV2+1 -> ITV 2 +1
              SkySpME UHD -> Sky Sports Main Event UHD
              DAYSTAR HD -> Daystar TV HD
              PRO TV HD -> Pro TV HD
              U&W+1 -> Watch +1
              tagesschau24 HD -> Tagesschau 24 HD
              Sky Sport News -> Sky Sport News HD
              HSE Trend SD -> HSE24 Trend
              alibi HD -> Alibi HD
              PRO CINEMA -> Pro Cinema
              AXN -> AXN Romania
              BlockbustersHD -> Sky Hits HD
              SWR RP HD -> Sudwest Fernsehen Rheinland-Pfalz HD
              TNTSBoxOff2HD -> TNT Sports Box Office 2 HD
              Eurosport 2 -> Eurosport 2 North East Europe
              CNN Int -> CNN International
              QUEST HD -> Quest HD
              NIEDERBAYERN TV HD -> NiederBayern TV HD
              Vouli -> Kanali Voulis (ΒΟΥΛΗ)
              RTL 102.5 NEWS ASPI -> RTL 102.5 Radio Doc
              MTV HITS -> MTV Hits
              SYFY -> Syfy HD Deu
              SERIEN + HD -> Serien+ HD
              TV5 Europe -> TV 5 Monde Europe
              QVC ZWEI HD -> QVC 2 HD
              MTV -> MTV Germany
              SBS6 HD -> SBS 6 HD
              sixx HD Austria -> Sixx HD Austria
              TRUE CRIME+1 -> True Crime+1
              NHK WORLD -> NHK World
              Canale5 HD -> Canale 5 HD
              Sky Sport Golf -> Sky Sport Golf HD
              BBC One ScotHD -> BBC One Scotland HD
              SUPER RTL -> Super RTL
              AFN|sports -> AFN Sports HD
              TVN 24 HD_ -> TVN 24 HD
              Hope TV -> Hope Channel Deutsch HD
              FilmBox Action -> Filmbox Action
              PRO7 -> ProSieben
              TLC -> TLC Bulgaria
              VOX HD -> Vox HD
              Dizi HD -> Seriale Turke HD
              CNN -> CNN International Europe
              TVR International HB -> TV Romania International
              AFN|movie -> AFN Movie Channel
              RING BG -> Ring BG
              ITV3+1 -> ITV 3 +1 (19-07)
              U&Yesterday -> Yesterday
              HBO HD -> HBO HD Polska
              TNTSports2 HD -> TNT Sports 2 HD
              ERT 1. -> ERT 1
              Nat Geo+1 -> National Geographic Channel +1
              RADIOFRECCIA HD -> Radio Freccia HD
     -> Krone TV
              rbb Berlin HD -> RBB Berlin HD
              MUTV HD -> Manchester United TV HD
              TRUE CRIME -> True Crime
              SONY MAX 2 -> Sony Max 2
              ID+1 -> Investigation Discovery +1
              bTV Story HD -> bTV Lady HD
              SAT.1 A -> Sat 1 Austria
              Nove HD -> Nove
              DORCEL TV HD -> Dorcel TV HD
              TVE Internacional -> TVE Internacional HD
              BBC One Wal HD -> BBC One Wales HD
              ITV1 -> ITV 1 Central West
              MOLDOVA TV -> Moldova TV
              KiKA HD -> KiKa HD
              SkySp Racing HD -> Sky Sports Racing UK HD
              Romance TV -> Romance TV HD
              BBC R Wales -> BBC Radio Wales FM
              Universal TV -> Universal TV HD
              SAHAR AZARI -> Sahar Azari
              NTV -> NTV (National TV)
              sixx AUSTRIA -> Sixx Austria
              E! Entertainment -> E! Poland
              WELT HD Austria -> Welt HD Austria
              History 2 HD -> H2 HD
              FIGHTBOX -> FightBox
              Sky Sport 3 -> Sky Sport 3 HD
              PoliticsPunjab -> Politics Punjab TV
              ALALAM HD -> AlAlam HD
              Nick Jr -> Nick Jr Polska
              Diva -> Diva Universal Romania
              AFN|family -> AFN Family/Pulse HD
              Βουλή -> Kanali Voulis (ΒΟΥΛΗ)
              TV PULS HD -> TV Puls HD
              Channel 4+1 -> Channel 4 South & East +1
              ntv -> n-tv
              Filmbox Premium HD -> FilmBox Premium HD
              U&W -> Watch
              ANIXE+ -> Anixe+ TV
              Crime & Investigation -> Crime & Investigations
              AMC -> AMC HD Polska
              AFN|sports 2 -> AFN Sports 2
              Sky One -> Sky 1 D HD
              kabel eins HD -> Kabel 1 HD
              RDS  Social TV -> RDS Social TV
              BBC R1 -> BBC Radio 1
              RTK-1 -> RTK 1 Sat (Kosovo)
              Tiny Pop+1 -> GREAT! Real+1
              arte HD -> Arte D HD
              Paramount Network Polska -> Paramount Channel HD PL
              Utsav Plus HD -> Star Plus HD
              Sport 1 HD -> Sport 1 CZ HD
              DAJTO HD -> Dajto HD
              Sky Sport Austria 1 -> Sky Sport Austria 1 HD
              Thats TV 3 -> That's Memories
              TV5 MONDE -> TV5 Monde FBS HD
              CHSTV -> Channel S TV
              GREAT! tv+1 -> GREAT! TV +1
              STARS.TV -> Stars.TV
              Sky Cinema Classics -> Sky Cinema Classics HD
              HBO HD -> HBO HD Romania
              6277 -> SkyShowcase+1
              PULS 4 HD Austria -> Puls 4 HD Austria
              BBC One SE HD -> BBC One South East HD
              Stingray Classica HD -> Unitel Classica HD
              WP -> WP TV
              SuperheroHD -> Sky Musicals HD
              ntv HD -> n-tv HD
              ORF1 HD -> ORF 1 HD
              ID -> Investigation Discovery Europe
              Kuwait TV1 HD -> Kuwait TV HD
              Nat Geo -> National Geographic UK
              SONY MAX HD -> Sony Max HD
              Nick Toons -> Nicktoons Bulgaria
              RTLyric fm -> RTE Lyric fm
              MTV MUSIC -> MTV Music UK
              Padre Pio Tv -> Tele Padre Pio
              Sky Atlantic -> Sky Atlantic HD
              XY mix -> XY Mix
              FRANCE 24 HD -> France 24 HD (in English)
              BHTV -> BH TV
              NPO1 HD -> Nederland 1 HD
              SONY MAX -> Sony Max
              Comedy Central -> Comedy Central Bulgaria & Romania
              Polsat News 2 HD -> Polsat News 2
              U&Dave HD -> Dave HD
              SkySp+ HD -> Sky Sports Arena HD
              NOW ROCK -> NOW Rock
              hr-fernsehen -> Hessen Fernsehen
              HSE HD -> HSE24 HD
              ALPHA HD -> Alpha HD
              Kanal D HD -> Kanal D Romania HD
              Stingray Classica HD -> Unitel Classica HD
              SkySp Racing -> Sky Sports Racing UK
              Nickelodeon -> Nickelodeon Polska
              RDS  Social TV -> RDS Social TV
              ZDFinfo HD -> ZDF Info HD
              STORY4 HD -> Story4 HD
              RTL HAROM -> RTL Harom
              NDR FS MV -> NDR Fernsehen
              SAT.1 HD Austria -> Sat 1 HD Austria
              TNTUltimateUHD -> TNT Sports Ultimate UHD
              TVC SUPER -> TVC Super
              Nat Geo HD -> National Geographic HD
              SS-2 HD -> SuperSport HD-2
              AXN -> AXN Bulgaria
              11 days later


              Can you show me how the rename request works please?
              I don't understand the API docs.

              8 days later

              I can copy the API request the web UI uses, but it would be nicer if I only had to request a name change rather than passing all the other parameters with it.

              Sorry, I was travelling. You should only need to supply the UUID plus the property that you want to change.