Hi, I have a moderately large tvheadend system (10 networks, 16 tuners) and it often is rather slow to react.
HTTP-Requests to the API take multiple seconds while streaming works nicely. Now this isn't a very fast computer having an "Intel Celeron J4025" which is rather basic, however tvheadend only takes about 3% of CPU time with the processors being 90% idle.
iotop lists systemd-journald as the most IO intensive process with 28 K/s, so that's not likely the problem.
I do get occasional mesages like "linuxdvb: (tunername) - poll TIMEOUT", what does it mean? What messages should I look out for?
Are there any tips to increase the performance? Can I make tvheadend use more threads, for example?
My use case is currently a simple setup which I use to grab teletext services from multiple transponders. I use the raw object dump to get mux and service info, as well as the raw PID stream via HTTP to get the actual teletext data.