So as an absolute beginner with the TV HAT, I thought I would give it another go after previous failure(s). Well there was I thinking that I had got it working (sort of) and as a trial used the DVR bit to record last nights 6Nations which it apparently did.HOWEVER, on Safari, great HD video on my 5k 27" iMac But no audio, and then about 5 seconds in the screen froze. Not so good on Firefox NO video and a pop up in lieu of sound) appeared with a string of digital figures totalling 157 bytes or some thing and wich, when clicked on, opened up an empty file on my music app. Is this a signal that I should give op on the TV Hat? I have had previous experience with the Raspi 3B+ in that I succesfully built a coco antenna and an ADSB receiver which has been running continuously in my shed for many years (at least 5). B 4 giving up I thought I'd give this forum a chance to help.
Many thanks