I have a problem with only one multiplex the others all work.
Other channels on other multiplexes also work in HD.
I tried rescan mutiplex, manual mutiplex setting does not work.
On setabox tv multiplex works.
Debian 11.9
TvHeadend version
PCTV Systems DVB-S2 Stick 461e
Astra 23.5E
mpegts: 11876H in Astra - tuning on Montage Technology M88DS3103 #0 : DVB-S #0
subscription: 000A: "HTTP" subscribing on channel "TV JOJ HD", weight: 100, adapter: "Montage Technology M88DS3103 #0 : DVB-S #0", network: "Astra", mux: "11876H", provider: "M7 Group", service: "TV JOJ HD", profile="pass", hostname="", username="user", client="VLC/3.0.11 LibVLC/3.0.11"
TS: Astra/11876H/TV JOJ HD: H264 @ #7141 Continuity counter error (total 1)
TS: Astra/11876H/TV JOJ HD: MPEG2AUDIO @ #7142 Continuity counter error (total 1)
TS: Astra/11876H/TV JOJ HD: MPEG2AUDIO @ #7143 Continuity counter error (total 1)
tbl-base: pmt: 11876H in Astra: invalid checksum (len 127, errors 1)
tbl-pass: pass-pmt: -: invalid checksum (len 127, errors 1)
TS: Astra/11876H/TV JOJ HD: DVBSUB @ #7146 Continuity counter error (total 1)
tbl-base: pat: 11876H in Astra: invalid checksum (len 76, errors 1)
tbl-pass: pass-pat: -: invalid checksum (len 76, errors 1)
TS: Astra/11876H/TV JOJ HD: H264 @ #7141 Continuity counter error (total 3153)
TS: Astra/11876H/TV JOJ HD: MPEG2AUDIO @ #7143 Continuity counter error (total 106)
TS: Astra/11876H/TV JOJ HD: MPEG2AUDIO @ #7142 Continuity counter error (total 113)
TS: Astra/11876H/TV JOJ HD Transport error indicator (total 1)
TS: Astra/11876H/TV JOJ HD: DVBSUB @ #7146 Continuity counter error (total 5)