Occasionally, users will present issues that require them to produce a debug log so that they can be assisted.
Currently, this involves entering a list of comma separated subsystems into a free-form text box. The contents of this text box are sent to TVH via the ‘/api/tvhlog/config/save’ API call.

Even though the help text provides a list of available modules, the user will still have to either remember the module names or perform multiple copy-paste operations.
I would like to propose that the free-form text box be replaced (or augmented) with a multi-select drop-down list. This form of list is used in multiple places within the WebUI.

The user can then select modules from the list without having to remember the codes.
Initially, the module codes could simply be hard-coded into the WebUI JavaScript. Ultimately, a new JSON API call could be implement to return the contents of tvheadend --subsystems
so that the drop-down list could be pre-populated dynamically.
Thoughts and comments welcome.