Hi everybody,
first: I have just yesterday set up tvheadend, it was a very good experience, it is a very nice software.
I am running on Ubuntu 20.04, tvheadend 4.3.2159.
I have four dvb-s2 receivers: a digital devices dual card with a dual sub-card. The cards have been working for years... I have moved to a new server, now sometimes they don't come up during boot and I have to reboot, but if they are present, they work (in mythtv).
Now I have set them up all four in tvheadend, and they worked, I was able to configure all four cards for unicable.
But - they are somehow dropping out. Yesterday I had all four configured with the LNB for unicable and their respective channels and frequencies.
Today, while still trying to configure the client, suddenly card 1 and 3 do not show the LNB anymore and I can't choose an LNB... like it was a DVB-C card or something.
Trying back and forth - the fourth card (card 3) also lost its LNB setting, now only card 0 is left.
OK - I suppose that tvheadend is querying the properties from the driver and offering appropriate configuration options. So it might be a driver problem. but it is four identical cards, which have been working, and now, they are dropping out one after the other...?
How can I troubleshoot this problem?
Right now I am upgrading Ubuntu to 20.04 and I might check for a more up-to date driver from digital devices when the system is back up.
I appreciate any help, thank you!