saen acro wrote:
> This is unofficial version.
yes I am aware of that. However, I do not want to give up the convenience of the package system (apt). Is that a disadvantage? Or is there an official repository for (Debian/Ubuntu)?
> Your command is wrong
Oh, my bad. Here I get:
root@media01:~# netstat -tulpen |grep tvheadend
tcp6 0 0 :::9982 :::* LISTEN 0 26942 721/tvheadend
tcp6 0 0 :::9981 :::* LISTEN 0 26939 721/tvheadend
udp 0 0* 120 16354 721/tvheadend
udp6 0 0 :::41141 :::* 120 16357 721/tvheadend
So it does not listen for IPv4. Which is strange since I have TVH under:
can be reached. I have not touched the file: /etc/default/tvheadend yet. Do I need to change the values:
set yet?
> If use some peudo-virtualization search problem in pseudo-networking.
No, this is an Ubuntu server VM running under Proxmox.