Hi there.
Thx for stopping by... Without wasting time -
Fresh rebuild of TVHEADEND on Pi Zero with TV Hat and Zero to 3 adapter for ETH connectivity.
Bullseye would give me constant errors while scanning for muxes so rolled back to Buster.
All is good now, I can watch in LAN or outside with port forwarding.
MY only issue - I cannot record to Xpenology Baremetal NAS.
Steps Tried:
- I identified the location (Synology USB) I wish to record to as: \\\usbshare3\Seagate-2K\TVR
- I then mounted it as:
sudo mount // /home/hts/ -o user=xxx,pass=yyy
- I went into /home/hts and I can see the few dummy files in there - I can also sudo mkdir and sudo nano to create new stuff
- I then went into /etc/fstab and added a line:
// /home/hts cifs user=xxx,pass=yyy,_netdev 0 0
- I then go try record a live program
- I get a red bang by the channel listing.
- I then go into DVR > and find my attempts under Removed Recordings with details : File not created.
I've toyed for hours now - trying to use CIFS or NFS, using switches like -t and -o, setting permissions here or there, trying the HTS user on the NAS, but cannot record to network drive.
I have done this before and it was a walk in the park list time, and it worked for over a year, so its driving me nuts since for the life of me I can't figure this out and I'm dead sure its stupidly simple but just dont know what it is.
Anybody if they can walk me through this - Happy to buy you a beer! Wherever in the world you are!