The TVHeadend forum is great for end-users to help with user issues.
However, developers may need to discuss technical things before working on something, or maybe just want to make a suggestion.
While we have this forum, it adds an extra threshold to use. E.g. users need a separate account etc, we can't easily link merge requests to discussions and vice-versa (bug numbers resolve to redmine instead of github for example).
While I"m not a fan of github at all, they do have the 'discussion' section (currently disabled). I thus recommend, we enable this section, add a post 'Only for developers talking about development things' and so that we have an area where 'just the code' can be discussed. It's very counter-productive, to be told in the merge-request; go discuss this first on the forum' and likewise, to discuss code in the forum, and be sent back to github.
Note that notifications from this forum currently do not even work properly, they send incorrect links. Replying (via email) is also not possible with redmine boards.