Delta Mike Charlie wrote:
> Jonas Lang wrote:
> > From there it appeared that that many of the contributors seemed more interested in gaining access control over the forum rather than the forum itself.
> I entered that discussion late and perhaps I’m over simplifying things, but to me, it was mostly about “How did this happen?” and “How do we stop it from happening again?”
> In order for these two questions to be answered, we need to understand who has ownership/admin rights over the various components that make the forum work, namely: DNS and hosting. This also leads to asking “How is all of this funded?”
> I agree with you that answering user questions on the forum is very important, but if the forum platform goes offline again and we can not get it back, then there will be no forum to visit and no questions to answer. I also think that keeping the Wiki alive is important because it can serve as a source of self-help if it is kept up-to-date.
> To prevent the forum from going offline again and keep it running, we need to know the basic facts about how it operates. As far as I know, as at now, the following questions have not been answered publicly:
Why the forum went down?
> Why the forum come back?
> What do we do if it happens again?
> How do we prevent it from happening again?
Firstly I don’t include you in that list of non contributors. Clearly you’ve been doing what you can for TVH being a late comer to the forum. I’d also include myself as a late comer too but one who is trying to help fellow TVH users where I can.
The consensus is that there is no development happening in TVH so I’m assuming the commits since the last official release could be termed maintenance spearheaded by @Flole Systems. You clearly have the required skills to possibly rejuvenate the development side of things but in fairness I’ve seen a number of other possible candidates just melt away after promising the same.
I’ve also done a bit of background investigation into the TVH project and you can clearly see the point at which the final named project developer disengaged from the project. Six years ago would be a fair assessment.
It has been suggested that Andreas Smas at may have a solution but as of yet that’s not been confirmed. His last access to the forum was 2019, which is a while back and if he’s chosen not to respond to any correspondence I for one would respect that.
That leaves us in a situation where for the moment we have a usable forum where issues are being posted that do warrant a response. That’s a good starting point for the moment.
We have a GitHub where PRs are being submitted and where warranted are being committed. Unless otherwise advised all the original developers have stepped away from the project so for the moment we make do with what we have and hope that one of the original project members are checking in to the forum to remedy the situation at some stage.