Hi to All,
i run HTS Tvheadend 4.3-2024~g420786927 including the above SAT-IP server. (see picture1 1) including standard cobfig (see picture 2).
I would like to configutŕe tvheadend such a way, that the first 5 TV adapter are free for viewing and the last 3 TV adapters beeing reserved (used) for recording TV programs and EPG.
Cpuld any one be helpful to assit me to achive a confuguration like this ?
I do have ASTRA 19.2 and Hotbird 13.0.
Mapping the services are still in resulting in the following message: ( see enclosed picture3 ). No services mapped for ASTRA.
Searching for programs is imüpossible,because no listings avialbale in the Digital Video recorder.
Any help to resolve the situation is higly appreciated.
reagrds, Ireng