Em portugues
Consegui resolver, primeiro instala o pacote ffmpeg.
Depois coloca o seguinte campo:
pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -i rtsp://guest:admin123@ -vcodec copy -acodec copy -metadata service_provider=Foscam -metadata service_name=MERGULHADOR1 -f mpegts -tune zerolatency pipe:1
No campo da URL do IPTV se tiver tudo certinho, vai funcionar.
Um abraço!
In English
I managed to solve it, first install the ffmpeg package.
Then put the following field:
pipe:///usr/bin/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -i rtsp://guest:admin123@ -vcodec copy -acodec copy -metadata service_provider=Foscam -metadata service_name=MERGULHADOR1 -f mpegts -tune zerolatency pipe:1
In the IPTV URL field, if you have everything right, it will work.
A hug!