I'm running 4.3.0~pre+202302051632-0~built202302052001~gitbecc74b28~ubuntu22.04.1.
I'm using Oscam with DVBABPI and everything is working perfectly fine, except for SKY Bundesliga 1-10 HD and Sky Sport 1-10 HD. When I try to map the services, they are ignored during mapping.
I found the following Bug:
It seems to be the same problem.
I followed the workaround mentioned there:
"Manually create the channels and link the services"
Now I can see the channel (e.g. Sky Bundesliga 2 HD) and even an EPG.
However, when I try to play the channel, I get the following message in the Tvheadend log:
"subscription: 400F: No input source available for subscription "::ffff:192.XXX.178.XX [ handy | TVHClient ]" to channel "Sky Sport Bundesliga 2 HD" "
I don't understand this message because
1. my network (DVB-C) is assigned and
2. the MUX 530MHZ is active.
Please see the attached screenshot.
Do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Many thanks in advance for your ideas.