Hey, I use the following grabber to pull EPG from schedules direct:
"Internal: XMLTV: Multinational (Schedules Direct JSON web services with SQLITE)"
from configuration > Channel/EPG > EPG Grabber Modules
It ran successfully (according to debug log GUI). However, I do not see "60 Minutes" (EPG search as well as manual lookup) in the EPG which airs on say April 23rd.
To "isolate" the problem I generated the XMLTV "manually" using following command:
sudo tv_grab_zz_sdjson_sqlite --days 30 --output tv.xml
+and I do see "60 Minutes" listed in tv.xml+ .
I have not changed the configuration. I discovered that EPG was wrong was when last episode of "60 Minutes" [ ENABLED recording of 60 Minutes every week ] did not record (April 16). Obviously TVheadend did not record because it could not find 60 Minutes in the EPG!
FYI before that I did record 1 episode of 60 minutes successfully!
Version info on UBUNTU 20.04 LTS:
HTS Tvheadend 4.3-2106~g9e1eb89be
Any tips to troubleshoot?