Certainly Kevin, communication via a forum is not ideal and often leads to misunderstandings. It is very possible that I have provided insufficient information, but it was not with any hidden intent or misleading intentions and was due to clumsiness, which seems to be the reason for Jonas's anger.
With the sole intention of clarifying the situation, that is, out of pure literary interest and surely without interest for the forum, I will describe the complete process of what happened, although I clarify from now on that not even I remember all the moments well.
The first time I installed TVH was several years ago, the last time, before everything related here, maybe 1 year ago, maybe more. I seem to remember that it was an apt-get installation. About 3 months ago I did the installation of Linuxsat that I showed before. I thought, here I begin to recognize my level of ignorance, that with this I would patch the installed TVH; but it turned out in the end that I did a fresh installation with dpkg, or so I think. Probably, I think now, from that moment the two TVH processes already began to run, although since everything worked fine, I was not aware of it.
A month ago, someone from forum A posted a script for Enigma2 from a user from forum B whose purpose was to add an IPTV list to TVH. This script in turn generated several scripts, including one that restored a TVH backup of forum user B. I couldn't run the base script, it gave me an error, but someone from forum A passed me the generated scripts. I unknowingly ran these scripts and TVH broke. Maybe it broke because of the 2 TVH processes that were running, which I wasn't aware of yet, or maybe it was for another reason, since here I started a process of uninstalling and reinstalling TVH repeatedly which could also be the origin of this duality of processes. Finally got everything working again, both the DVB-S TV and the IPTV list.
For some reason that I don't remember now, at some point I finally discovered that there were 2 TVH processes running and since it didn't seem normal to me I started to investigate the matter with the result that TVH broke again. That's when I found out that I probably had 2 TVHs installed and since I couldn't fix it this time I decided to uninstall everything, clean and reinstall. I uninstalled with apt-get remove --purge and with dpkg -r and finally both reported that TVH was not installed. However, every time I started the computer, the root-owned process tvheadend continued to start.
As I have already mentioned here, after deleting a supposed .hts folder in /root, the process disappeared and no longer started when the computer started, so I thought it was time to reinstall TVH, again following the instructions from Linuxsat, that is, using dpkg.
After the installation, and before restarting, everything was fine: a single process running owned by hts, I was able to enter TVH, I created the users and some basic configurations, but after restarting the computer, the 2 processes reappeared.
That's when I decided to ask on this forum. Since I wanted to find out where the instance that started the root process to remove it was, not why it was there, it seemed to me that instead of this long story, I could start by reporting from the time of last installation. My level of ignorance, which I hope I have revealed in this text to the satisfaction of Jonas, does not prevent me from understanding that, for the purposes of a diagnosis, the history is very helpful and that is why I provided it when requested, but also It leads me to think that this information is not essential to discover the instance that starts TVh as root.
In the end, that's all there is.