It looks like the local BBC One channel has switched to HD, as I've been reading about for a few weeks.
I've noticed that in my TVHeadend setup, BBC One HD and BBC One East have disappeared, and a new channel 101 has popped up, and when I play it, its BBC One HD as expected.
However, the name for that channel is 10373, rather than something along the lines of BBC One HD, and there's no EPG info either.
There are a few more channels like this.
As far as I can tell, my freesat bouquet (England HD: East (E)/Anglia E) is enabled and set to auto-map channels, and I've tried playing the 11425H mux a few times in VLC, but I'm still seeing these problems.
It's been a long while since I set tvheadend up, so I'm fully aware I'm a bit rusty when it comes to sorting these issues out.
Has anyone had any similar changes, have any suggestions?
TVH Version is HTS Tvheadend 4.3-2069~gc9a156a25