Hi Guys,
I have an issue with my Nvidia Shield Pro 2019. The device ist rooted and I am running Lineage OS 17.1 on it. I have also installed HTS Tvheadend 4.3 Server on it.
My problem now is, that Time-Shift and PVR is not working.
I allways get the message:
timeshift: unable to create dir "file:": read-only file system
Doesn`t matter if I want to save it on an internal path like "file:///storage/self/primary/TV", or on a USB device using the path "file:///storage/0947-1208/TV".
I can remember from Linux days, that it was a permission thing. But I am new to Android world and don`t know what to do now.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thanks and have a good day