I'm using TVHeadend on a Raspberry Pi, which worked fine for a few weeks. I added an extra tuner and relocated the Pi to a different room, and all the sudden it stopped recording and streaming with no error messages whatsoever.
If I start streaming from the "Configuration/Channel / EPG/Channels" tab, it still works fine, but if I export a playlist, it asks for credentials and after entering them, it just hangs. I've tried reinstalling TVheadend, went through the configs a few times, but I'm out of ideas, and since there are no error messages, I can't even search this up properly.
Could you please help with this?
2022-11-24 11:58:17.009 dvr: "%F_%R" on "Comedy Central" recorder starting
2022-11-24 11:58:17.010 mpegts: 362MHz in AverMedia - tuning on Silicon Labs Si2168 #0 : DVB-C #0
2022-11-24 11:58:17.011 subscription: 005B: "DVR: %F_%R" subscribing on channel "Comedy Central", weight: 500, adapter: "Silicon Labs Si2168 #0 : DVB-C #0", network: "AverMedia", mux: "362MHz", provider: "DIGI", service: "Comedy Central", profile="pass", username=""
2022-11-24 11:58:47.010 subscription: 005B: "DVR: %F_%R" unsubscribing from "Comedy Central", username=""
2022-11-24 11:58:47.013 dvr: "%F_%R" on "Comedy Central": End of program: Time missed