Hello, i have a list of m3u8 that changes every 3 hours the reason it changes is because a script grabs new/uptaded cookies from each iptv link writing an updated m3u8 list to disk.
that list is then imported into tvheadend "IPTV Automatic Network" so it scans and it adds the channels to the "muxes" tabs.
i use jellyfin to watch and handle the transcode with the links that are created by tvheadend i now realise that those links are not static it seems everytime theres a change to the m3u8 list tvheadend removes the channel and adds it back again, crating a new link within tvheadend, ex:
first scan link
#EXTINF:-1 logo="
https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AAUvwnivYh0RAgrZ_jPXal8LvI_UToIUfaEXaB7kX1_F-A=s176-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj-mo" tvg-id="23b7e8f2375490a46cdc7f1ec008f463" tvg-chno="105",Todo Noticia
second scan link
#EXTINF:-1 logo="
https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AAUvwnivYh0RAgrZ_jPXal8LvI_UToIUfaEXaB7kX1_F-A=s176-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj-mo" tvg-id="23b7e8f2375490a46cdc7f1ec008f463" tvg-chno="105",Todo Noticia
is there a way to keep those stream links static ? or in other words only update the url used in m3u8 list