I have made repeated attempts to use this software previously with a USB tuner card that I assumed did not work now I am trying with an with an older HD Homerun Dual and having similar results.
After installing the deb on My Raspberry Pi 3 I get my HD Homerun detected as "...-0" and "...-1", but no channels.
during the initial web set up I was taken to a Mux setup page that did not detect anything. I later see the term "Multiplexes" which I assume is used interchangeably with "Mux" (this is so typical of how Open source software is becoming with naming inconsistencies)
Out of curiosity , plugged my old USB tuner card back in to see if I could get it to detect channels but have no idea how with either the HD homerun or the USB card.
I know the HD Homerun works as I configured it with Windows and viewed TV on the Mac. Both the HD Homerun and the USB TV tuner show in the web interface , so I believe they are detected properly. Seems odd that neither device gets any channels on set up, I mean then what good is the initial set up?
Any help appreciated.