A AAA wrote:
> [...]
> There seems to be no file parameter for uname:
> [...]
> > Can you show me what symbols are missing for dvb_usb_v2.ko
> How?
> > -- show me dmesg output from when you try to insert that module.
> Note: no kernel modules copied and no dvb stick plugged in
> [...]
Since I already have these modules loaded, the symbols are present in my kernel, so I can see which modules provide them
it seems you need to load the mc and dvb_core modules.
# cat /proc/kallsyms | grep __media_device_register
ffffc0420fd1a993 r __kstrtab___media_device_register [mc]
ffffc0420fd1a9ab r __kstrtabns___media_device_register [mc]
ffffc0420fd1a000 r __ksymtab___media_device_register [mc]
ffffc0420fd13bf4 t __media_device_register [mc]
# cat /proc/kallsyms | grep dvb_create_media_graph
ffffc0420ffd2ffa r __kstrtab_dvb_create_media_graph [dvb_core]
ffffc0420ffd3011 r __kstrtabns_dvb_create_media_graph [dvb_core]
ffffc0420ffd0204 r __ksymtab_dvb_create_media_graph [dvb_core]
ffffc0420ffbda44 t dvb_create_media_graph [dvb_core]
Try running the following before loading those modules. I expct that these modules (mc and dvb_core) to compe with the kernel directly
modprobe mc dvb_core
You can also confirm that the modules loaded by running the following commands:
lsmod|grep mc
lsmod|grep dvb_core