If you look to the help menu in TVH webconfig under Appendix 1 you'll find documentation for a number or URLs accepted by the TVH server. One of which is playlist.
Thus the url http://YOUR_TVH_IP:9981/playlist
will generate a m3u formatted playlist of your available channels as such....
#EXTINF:-1 logo="" tvg-id="dca764259392942fabe246887d3cb7c2" tvg-chno="1000",CKUA
#EXTINF:-1 logo="" tvg-id="c962314703bd3b3b78237f24511f5af7" tvg-chno="5501",Repretel 4
Once you save this playlist file you can manually edit the requested profile, in this example "pass" to the one you have created or selected to use for your transcoding profile for any channels that you wish to be transcoded by default. You would then pass this playlist to your IPTV player of choice.
To use this with Kodi I gather would be with the IPTV simple addon rather than the HTS TVHeadend addon.