I am trying to use a SAT>IP box with TvHeadend (4.3-2010~g3b1d7a928), in doing so I have successfully tuned transponders to my TvHeadend, once individually mapped they will fetch EPG data from the satellite and can be watched successfully. I am trying to use the bouquet feature to map the correct services for what I want to watch - using the Bouquets provided by Freesat’s Home Transponder on 11426.5H. I can’t for the life of me seem to get the bouquets to recognise the services tuned however to automatically map them, I have tried playing the mux (11426.5H) via VLC, manually mapping a service to try. retuning and get it to start mapping services.
Attached is an image of bouquet featuring the 0 Services and 229 Services Seen.
Can anyone help? Pulling hair out here.