WereCatf - wrote:
> My patch was about fixing DVB-C -- I don't have a DVB-T adapter, I don't even know, if it works correctly or not. If you can't make it work even with a new .ini - file, then you'd probably have to enable debug - logging in Tvheadend and try to see, if there's some communication issue between Plex and Tvheadend.
> Also, try making a new ini-file, instead of modifying an existing one, like e.g. 4888.ini, since that doesn't seem to exist yet. I had to make a completely new file myself as well, before my DVB-C provider would show up in Plex's list. Just give the provider a name that doesn't exist yet in any of the other files. I don't really know the proper format for the ini - files, but they seem to follow the description here:
> I know I'm not being of much help, but without a DVB-T adapter, I can't check, if anything actually works or not.
No, on the contrary, your help is precious because it asks me the right questions.
I finally found it.
For the next ones: ALWAYS put tvheadend on the machine where plex is. If you want to or can't TvhProxy is mandatory.
Once this is done do not configure Tvheadend (to be confirmed). Plex will find the tuner. It only remains to configure the ini file and Plex should be able to scan the channels.
Problem I put everything on a RPI2 and it's too slow... while tvheadend alone depotes.
On a VM ubuntu mo image sacade in plex and in tvheadend it's impossible to watch ... I don't know how to do it. I have a sheildtv but the porting does not excite anymore ....