I bought a TBS6904SE DVB-S card and it is working just fine with 2 legacy connections.
My setup is a Proxmox Server with a Ubuntu 20.04 server edition VM with Tvheadend 4.2.8-36~g5bdcfd8ac (unstable) and PCI passthrough for the TBS card. Now I want to change my setup to unicable, so I don't have my loud server in my living room. Therefore I want to use my Jultec JRS0502-4+4T Multiswitch.
If I connect the cable with one adapter and change the config to Unicable I with 1375MHz, this adapter is working with no problems. But the other 3 adapters, I can't get them to operate at all. The Signal is splitted via a 1>4 splitter that is unicable ready and adapter one is still working great. The frequencies are 1375, 1425, 1475, 1525.
After i bought and tested my server setup a while, I have read, that the 6904 card is not working or maybe working with unicable, the website of TBS says that the card can handle unicable, so i hope someone have a hint for me, how I maybe get this card to work. As an alternative is there a 2 or 4 adapter card that is working with unicable in tvheadend?
Thank you very much for some hint