C M wrote:
> "When trying to use a version of tvheadend compiled against the ATCS 3.0 / AC4 aware ffmpeg, I get errors"
> That's interesting. It would be really nice to have AC4 pass-through at least, even if transcoding isn't in the cards.
I wonder what would happen if you created a new mux under an IPTV network and in the URL field put something like this:
pipe:///path/to/AC4/ffmpeg -loglevel fatal -i http://ip_address_of_HDHR4K/auto/v1xx.x -c copy -c:a eac3 -b:a 640k -mpegts_flags system_b -f mpegts pipe:1
Make the necessary substitutions for /path/to/AC4/ffmpeg, ip_address_of_HDHR4K, and 1xx.x (using a valid channel number, remember to use the leading 1).
In theory, if you used the version of ffmpeg with the ac4 patches, it could in real time convert the audio to eac3 (or ac3 or aac or whatever format you specify). There MIGHT be some issues with audio channel mapping; I hope not but ffmpeg can remap channels with no problem if you know the correct syntax. But without knowing what the audio stream(s) look like in an ATSC3 signal it is hard to say.
I have not tested this particular usage because I have not yet been able to get a patched ac4 version of ffmpeg to compile on my backend system. So, it may require some tweaking, but it seems like it should work assuming that the patched ffmpeg can properly convert AC4 to another format.