> HTS Tvheadend 4.3-1986~g09a2c71ab
> Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS, bionic
> Installed from: deb
https://apt.tvheadend.org/unstable bionic main
> Fritz!WLAN Repeater DVB-C, Version 07.01
My setup is using the "--satip_xml
http://10.x.x.xx:49000/satipdesc.xml" to use the two tuners of the FritzRepeater with dedicated
bind addresses. Settings were basically default and majority of muxes/channels were identified + work as expected.
However, a couple of them did not scan and a lot of try and error etc. I figured out that those specifically require specinv=1. This
shows up on the M3U from the Fritz ... where the URLs are having specific specinv setting per channel.
#EXTINF:0,3sat HD
#EXTINF:0,ARD alpha HD
#EXTINF:0,tagesschau24 HD
Setting the Tuner to specinv=1 lets me use those channels, but then not any others anymore of course.
So the problem I see is that the specinv setting is done on the Tuner and not per Network or MUX, so I have no chance to have a dedicated setting
per channel which I would need.
Also have tried to use the Fritz with IPTV Automatic Network with that M3U... which worked quite well up to the point of playback/recordings
stopping after a while due to HSL I guess. However, in that setup, the rtsp urls in the mux are then each having the correct specinv setting.
I have been searching around a lot and found here and there similar topics/discussions, but unfortunately nothing that really got me solve this. So
decided to post here :-)