I am a new user of tvheadend and first I apologize my poor english.
I use a mt7621 based router,and I have a usb dvb-c tv dongle(RTL2832+SONY D2837er).I compile a firmware using github openwrt(github.com/openwrt/openwrt),and thanks to tmn505(
https://github.com/tmn505/openwrt-dvb),The fireware can support the hardware and the tvheadend can find the adapter.
The tvheadend can scan dvb-c channels and using oscam,tvheadend can also descrambling.
But the question is the tvheadend cann't recognize the chinese channel name(it actually have chinese channel name)
I have tried edit the character set by hand using gb2312\utf8,but it doesn't work.
I have tried compile tvheadend 4.0.10 and 4.2.8,nothing special.
But I find the Coreelec project (
https://github.com/coreelec) have a tvheadend plugin (
https://github.com/CoreELEC/CoreELEC/blob/coreelec-20/packages/addons/service/tvheadend43/).When I use Coreelec to scan the channel,the Coreelec based Tvheadend can display chinese channel name and the chinese EPG.
I have tried to compile the Coreelec tvheadend's version(PKG_NAME="tvheadend43" PKG_VERSION="8fc2dfa7e1b1b3b1e8ba6f78cd4a81f77fa6a736" PKG_VERSION_NUMBER="4.3-1979"
it also cannot display chinese
How can I do next?Thanks