luoiliem bac wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I am not sure which cheap SBCs to run Armbian and install TVheadend to stream TV.
> I only need the minimal, low-cost hardware for 2-3 users at the same time.
> At this moment, I see Orange Pi Zero and Orange Pi PC have a good price in my location, but I don't know if they and run TVheadend smoothly or not.
> Could you please have any suggestion?
I actually ran Tvh on an OPi PC and Zero ages ago.
Both can run it fine, the bottlenecks (for both) is the 100Mbps Ethernet (which unlike the Rpi 1/2/3 isn't via USB but it still isn't very good) and (for the zero) the one usb host hub and how hot it gets compared to the PC. Oh and watch out for usb power usage.