Well, it seems bintray is completely gone: "As of May 1 we have sunsetted Bintray", got this link after I emailed about it:
So the wiki is out of date, were can I report that?
As for updating to 4.3, I would have to find a working repo for ARM/Raspberry first.
edit: Just tried "deb
http://apt.tvheadend.org/stable raspbian-stretch main" but was stuck on connecting, several tries later:
Unpacking tvheadend (4.2.8-36~g5bdcfd8ac~raspbianstretch) over (4.2.6-84~g81f56cc89~raspbianstretch) ...
Setting up tvheadend (4.2.8-36~g5bdcfd8ac~raspbianstretch) ...
that one seems to work :)